Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Light Of Life

While writing my daily ritual this came to me.  Now let me explain…my daily ritual is something that I have committed myself to doing and this is how the Dawn rises (I love saying that “Dawn Rises”) lol it is just so powerful to me.  The rising of the Dawn begins with reading silently an affirmation that I absorbed from the day before.  Once it is in my mental bank I then prepare myself for meditation of either 15 or 30 minutes depending upon if my spirit needs a full doses or a quick pick me up.  After that is done it gives me an energy/place of peace for me to center myself in before going out into the world.   I like to think of it as I am putting on my armor to keep me on point no matter what may come my way.  I then write 10 things that I am grateful for.  It doesn’t have to be earth shattering it could be whatever like – I am grateful for being where I am right now, or I am blessed that I enjoyed pizza today.  If you know Dawn then you know that I am a Pizza Connoisseur I LOVE PIZZA!!!  Don’t ask me why I really don’t know I just love a good pizza not Pizza hut, Papa John’s, Dominos…I mean a really amazing thin crust pizza.  Oh gosh my mind is going off track…sorry!
So anything that you are truly grateful for, blessed to have or be...simply things that make you HAPPY!!! 
After that I have a free style writing session in which I have learned in one of my awakening classes called “What I Want Right Now” or WIWRN – this is a listing of exactly what it says!  It is putting down on paper your dreams, what you fantasize about.  What you want to make your life complete!  Now that I am thinking it is kind of like a Christmas list that you would write as a child...This is the list that the parents dreaded because this was that one time that as children they actually took time to figure out what they wanted and the list was always long.  For me I decided that whatever I was going to get I would so I really didn’t waste time on it.  I knew that my mom worked very hard and I didn’t want to give her the extra pressures of me nagging her about something that was on TV or in a magazine or what your friends bragged about getting.  So it is essentially a wish list…a quasi list but for real it evokes so much excitement that I truly expect it all to be fulfilled by that universal energy that surrounds us all.   Have you ever played a game when you were young for me in NJ I would sit on my grandparents porch and me and my brothers would see cars go by and we would see the one that we would get when we got our license and would say “bingo” not sure why but it put the claim on it for us.  We would get our uncle’s car magazine and clip them out and put them in our bedrooms.  I am smiling because I just got the coolest feeling ever as my mind took me back to that.  It was an exciting time for a fun time in life.  Hey we were children we had no worries, no bills, no pressures in life…with the exception of if you were not a good student in school then maybe you had a little bit of worry but for me I had none. I slowly figured that if it worked for cars then why can’t I use this for clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry all of those girl things that we like the nice to haves in life.  But I knew that it didn’t define me or make me who I am!  But it was cool to have the latest outfit going to school!  It made you feel like you were on cloud nine.  I began to cut out of magazines and put them in my little dream book that I created and wrote some notes on it as well.   This was very, very fun for me as it allowed my imagination to have wings to soar, my hopes to embed themselves deep within and never made me feel as if it was impossible to get anything in life.  Apparently, the higher power listened and didn’t act at that time by providing the unlimited source (as in money) but gave me something else an aunt who could sew and a desire that I had to learn.  From all those pictures cut out it gave the energy to give me a means and next thing you know I had a real talent.  If I saw something in a magazine I was able to just get some material and whip up a similar outfit.  I never really thought of it in this sense but right now man that was exactly what happened.  I worked and brought a sewing machine, patterns, material and thread and made it happen. 
Keeping your dreams in your mind’s eye, your visual perception will allow you to draw and attract things to you.  These days’ things have turned into a virtual mind space as in “mind movies” that shows and evokes thought combined with music it truly gives you an excitement and gives you that mental picture to attract it in your life.  I absolutely love a Bentley Coupe I had seen a few in the states at car shows.  But, I am here to tell you that this works and is so true, I put on my desktop and I cut out a picture of one next thing you know I am out and about in Kuwait and I would see one ride by me and (in my mind) “bingo” hey that is my ride (with the biggest smile ever).  I know what it looks like from a distance.  I can spot the emblem a mile away it is sleek, elegant, classy and fast all the components that Dawn likes.  For some reason I keep seeing my car and each time I see it I get this adrenaline rush and an excitement like no other.  OMG (I say to myself) there’s my Bentley coupe.  And it is not like it only happens on the initial sight these feelings happen each and every time I see one.  And the excitement gets bigger and bigger so from all that I read and all that I know is that excitement in combination with the visual all I can say is watch out because you will see Dawn behind the wheel of a Bentley Coupe (ok when it happens the dreaded line – “I told you so” will be shouted from the mountain top).  I can’t honestly say when but I can say that it will happen when it is suppose to happen via the universe!   And believe me this is not wacky this is true, the law and sprinkle in some karma into the mix the car is practically mine already.  I am just waiting on the keys to be delivered to me!
By never giving up on your dreams you create a vault of hopes that at times you open up the doors (and yes they probably will make that creaking sound maybe even some cobwebs) – gosh you may have to tug really hard to open them up as well) and look at them to know that anything is possible.  When was the last time that you sat down and just for fun looked through a magazine or watched the discovery channel, house hunting shows, history channel to see what life can be all about if you just let that into part of your vision.  TV shows normally will be week after week with some type of drama associated to keep you captivated and to comeback.   For me I find more of shows that will get me closer to my dreams I like to learn and incorporate that into the who, what, when, here and how this is going to come to me.  I have to evoke the vibrational feel of gosh once I get______it will make me feel_____ and I will be so grateful upon receiving it.
You may think that this is very hokey… is not!  What it will allow you to do is escape the pressures of the world.  Allow your mind to expand and reach deep down inside to the little girl or boy that you once where with DREAMS, HOPES and DESIRES!!!   And let’s get this clear I am not talking about the ones that your parents want or wanted for you (Mom & Dad you are cool and all but I got to be me).  We know that they have our best interest at heart but not their unresolved ones that they never pursued.  I am talking about YOURS!!!!  The very dreams that give you that goose bump feeling! The ones that have you smiling from ear to ear and no one knows why except for you. I get caught a lot and people say why are you smiling so early in the morning…well for one my name is Dawn lol!  It throws them off then I don’t have to explain and then listen to them telling me that it won’t happen.   I don’t want those negative vibes on me. Plus did I mention that these are my dreams!  EXACLTLY they are not designed, created or prepped for you...they are mine! Live, In Living Color and very, very lofty dreams (remember the Bentley Coupe we saw TAD it was gorgeous) that is exactly what I am talking about.   
So I have shared my ritual for my morning and veered off just a teeny tiny bit to let you see that it is great to be an adult but some of my happier times were as a child where I had the twinkle in my eyes and nothing ever seemed impossible.  What I know for sure is that I am slowly getting back to that feeling, the vision the light that once guided me.   Somewhere along the way the light or lantern that we all have as each one of us was given one at birth was not carried in my little hand any longer.  As I got older the lantern that provided the light for me was put down and was forgotten.  I mean really I figured I knew everything how to get there and move forward.  The whole time the lantern was just sitting there and waiting on me to pick it up.  Instead I walked over it, around it!  I actually picked it up and moved it out of the way so that I didn’t kick it when I was walking.  The one thing is that the light never ever went out.    Again, the light was shined on me from day one but it was up to me to pick up the lantern to guide my path.  Life as I like to say gets in the way things happen and the mind wanders to places of the unknown.  Essentially the vision is distorted as you are walking on another path.   FINALLY….I realized that I needed that lantern there was no way I could see the gifts that I had, the words that come to me or the vision that projected through my gorgeous brown eyes (wink)!  So I am now carrying my lantern which shines the light to guide my footsteps on the path of Dawn’s life.  I will never ever put my lantern down again; my light must shine in order for me to give back to the world. 
I encourage you to make sure that you have your light as only good will come of it.  The light is a positive part of life that is with you always!   Just make sure not to put it down for you may be lost and not be able to find your way back to it….
What truly makes me smile is that this came to me for “Dawn” to keep me on point but when the phrase entered my head I am like “I hear you” and my spirit lead me to sit at my laptop and begin typing!  This piece …this journey is for you to take as you will. I hope that it allowed you to laugh to reminisce and to incorporate some or none into your life.  I can’t tell you how to live life because each one of us are different but in humanity we all start off the same….a being arriving into this world via a loving vessel  for us to thrive, grow, explore and learn!!  What a wonderful place to be in within yourself…a place of peace!
Thank you for reading my words and walking with me on this journey as I am excited J
(Oops how could I forget to incorporate the vision board on what you want in life (Google – “Vision Board”) – Thanks A’Keta it brought back the child like enthusiasm that lights the fire within me making me ready for all things that are waiting for me as I take steps forward to my calling!   

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Invisible Force That Surrounds Us All (Energy)

As we watch movies and read books that are associated within the scientifical world there always seems to be the unknown, a presence a force field that separates us from them.  In the movies there is the drama within the music that is associated with the unknown as well.  As we continue to partake in the visual or the story line that was created we are not sure if the forces of the entities are friendly to embrace us or evil to demolish the planet.  Initially, it is always perceived as fearful and dark!  Only in a few movies that I can recall is where the presence turned out to be friendly willing to help human kind.  It always seems like they (and I say they loosely) wanted to destroy our home otherwise known as planet earth.   It is at those times that I sit and marvel over the fact is fiction far from the truth?   I mean the concepts and the ideas had to come from somewhere right???  We all are aware that the mind is a very powerful tool it can be used in so many different ways and we are supposed to be an advance species.  Are we so far advanced that we not know that the presence is something other than ourselves.   How do we know if the forces actually exists is there a good vs. evil.  Is that as clear as night and day?  The sun…the set, ying and yang know as the opposites within the tree of life that we have encountered time and time again.   
If we are the superior beings then what am I to think of the power of the energy that exists outside of the force field of our lives?  Metaphorically speaking it is a subject that has  astounded me as in the dark blanket that canvases the sky at night sprinkled with the brightness of the moon and the little specs of light that are called stars.  If you can use that part of your brain as in imagination…if you can turn that on just for a minute can you imagine how colorful your visions would be?  If you can turn on and tap into the feelings that we are born with from the beginning would things in life be differently?  Would it not be considered as black and white because I want to see it as it is but in the most vibrant colors ever!  I wouldn’t want it any other way!  And to be honest I was able to actually see it as the most vibrant colors ever upon my stint in a NJ hospital.  My vision was removed from my eyes for approx 2 days.  I will say that my senses were heightened kind of like Spiderman when he was bit from the spider lol (yes I admit I have watched the movies).  I would never have believed it but I had a super sense of taste, smell and feeling and now I truly know how blind people are able to get along with will and determination.  It seemed like eternity as I was lying on the bed, and felt as if I was in darkest void ever within my being.  The darkness was the blackest, most dense stillness that consumed my world.  I actually had no clue to what was taking place or to who was in the room.   I was able to use my spidey sense (or maybe I should say my Dawnie sense lol) a combination of hearing and a futuristic type vision within the darkness that I somehow was gifted with to help me through this.  My ability to hear allowed me to see in the most colorful form of vision within the mind.  I recall only having two (2) distinct voices enter my being my son Khi and a very close friend to my son and me Luis.  What I was visualizing was hearing my son’s voice and seeing what looked like blades of tall grass that upon the vibration of his voice would sway to and fro and colors would vary from red to green to blue (of course I know what you may be thinking is she crazy…nope not at all).  These visions were seen as I journeyed through the tunnel of what seemed life.  I literally had no control on my life or the decisions that were to be made.  But, the whole time there was no fear among my soul and that is really what scared me!  Was I to be concerned as to what was happening to me or was I to be as I trusted the presence that was holding my hand?   I do know that my son’s voice calmed the troubled waters as he expressed to me that the tribe was out of control due to not knowing if there was to be life or death.  My son stayed connected to me via his whispers in my ear until the darkness lifted!   My vision was restored and I gained a new sense of the super intelligence that I was able to amass in a difficult time. What I gained was another level of conciseness a new way for my brain to react and respond.  I was thrust in a position of the unknown that was turned into part of the journey that I am now on in my life.  The ability to be able to delve into a bubble of non-existent reality that we can only image is something that I will never ever forget.   Hey don’t get me wrong who wouldn’t want to have superhuman or as we know it “superhero or super heroine” powers.  Would that make our lives easier or more complicated?  Are we willing to have things just handed to us or gain a sense of life and awareness to guide us through the many channels know to some as our purpose?   As many things as I have read and been told is that we come into this being equipped and ready to thrive.  That as long as we walk on the right path and continue to walk in the light we are truly on our way to greatness.  So could it be that upon that very path that I was walking on when the darkness appeared does that mean that my path was not correct or was I being redirected?   Upon the darkness of the night hues of a new sunrise was showing its brilliance!  And within that brilliance is a voice that was very pure and real as my son spoke to me it guided me out of the darkness and into the light.  Upon my transformation the journey that I took within I have no idea as to why, what or how.   I do know that during my recovery I had a very strong presence of power that surrounded me as if it was a shield of armor.  With that armor came a new way of thinking, my mind was sharper and the words that flowed through me were constant.   Without reservation I embraced it and acknowledged that what I am here for is to be a vessel of truth, love and understanding!   As I continue to find my way I know that the words that flow through me are affective and my voice is strong but serene and the Invisible Force around me is so very real!   
Continuing on the path………living life and embracing my dreams towards reality!!!