We live in a world that for some reason likes to dictate what and who we are to be. It is with that very instance of the predetermining aspect that is the confusing factor of life for us all. There was a time when I was younger that the brain was clear and there weren’t so many options or choices that we had to consume within our daily lives. It was as they say “Black and White” as if it wasn’t one it was the other.
The technology age has thrust us into a warp speed of growth. There is so much before us that we really don’t have time to even grasp the notion of the many things that we see hear, feel and touch on a daily basis.
With growth comes change and with change comes a new perception of what we feel is reality. Many times I feel as if I am in a long tunnel that never ends. I seem to get to what appears to being a light but that fades as I keep walking in search of the flame that burns bright….the star that shines in the night sky or maybe the light bulb of truth.
What separates the dark from the light and the light from the dark is within the eye of the beholder. As I continue to grow and view the world from open eyes with no color, with onlythe view of humanity I learned to accept people as they are.
I learned to accept the differences of what society deemed was acceptable and what wasn’t. I learned that within our society being the same was a concept that was indoctrinated into our psyche from day one. We are encouraged to be like which allows us to being accepted. That weall wanted to be alike and if you weren’t like then you were not right.
With that specific mindset which had been thrust upon my life I was shown in so many ways that every day I was destined to be like someone or something….
I can only imagine where I would be if I had a family structure that didn’t encourage individuality. From the very beginning my mother let me know that not everyone is going to likeyou Dawn because you are very different. There was an unspoken, unconditional knowing that she had and she was prepared to get that through to me. She let me know that being the same is not being who I am. She encouraged me to find my way and path while walking within the group but to also know that I am unlike the group in many ways. She taught me not to think that I was better than anyone but that I was unique an Original and that there was no one ever like me. A very big emphasis within my life even with me being different my mother and grandmother instilled humility. To be humble no matter how pretty people said you were or how smart you may think you are. You must remain humble for your light to shine bright from within.
With those words that seeped into my spirit I have always held my head up high, my shoulders back and stood super tall knowing that there is no one like me. It didn’t make me special…It made me proud to honor who I am and to give thanks to the most high for caring enough of my spirit to creating me to being who I am. And with that mindset I said that I will always honor the power from above and I will carry myself as…
A Child of the most high
A Queen of my very own existence
A shining star amongst the night sky
A Story to be told
A Power
A Energy
A being
I Am…Dawn
Even when society get louds and screams into your being do not let society dictate who you are or what you are to look or be like. Do not let it tell you what you can and can’t do. Do not let it tell you what job you should have, what you should drive, what house to live in or what country to embrace…
And please don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with having finer things “whatever that means” opposed to have dignity, passion, love and a drive to be all that you can be for yourself and give back to the world.
What society doesn’t stress is that success is not all in the material things but knowing thyself. You never let Society dictate your steps or journey in life. If you have dreams to being whatever you want and you push yourself to getting there and it makes you happy then you are a SUCCESS! You are LIVING and BREATHING your PURPOSE! If you truly know what your purpose and passion is and you give it back to the world nothing that society can say or even show you will make you part ways with what you EMBRACE as your TRUTH.
The many years that I have gone through the “Universal University of Life” I have always held on to…
I AM Unique
I AM Original
I AM Special
I AM Love
I Am…
Anything that I put “I AM” in front of that is what I am to be….
Society creates the same cookie cutter emphasis on our lives but for the ones that step onto the Ledge of Life and leap you have truly found your voice in the world…
Don’t be a mishap of society…
Become what happens to the world
Be Known
Be Strong
Be Passionate
Be Positive
Be Kind
Live life in accordance to what YOUR TRUTH is! Take off the mask that society has put uponyour face and breathe in A New Reality…Your Reality of Truth. Let your truth be a mirror ofwhat your spirit speaks and let it shine as bright as the sun in the sky. Let your life shine and let your voice be heard…BE AN ORIGINAL!!!
There is never going to be another (State Your Name) so show the world YOU!!
With Love <3