As in all things…as the cycle completes itself into a full circle so does our lives revolve. As the New Year begins to take shape do we continue to reflect on the past of last year or are you looking to move forward to a New You! I haven’t had time to reflect on what had taken place in the past because I really don’t want that to creep into my present. As humans we are creatures of habit as they say but for me I am really interested and ready to start ANEW!!! I mean truly why I would want to repeat what I’ve already completed in my cycle. So my mind is fresh and new it is ready to take on new things even though I am in the same place and time…otherwise known as “Where I Am Supposed To Be” (WIASTB). LOL I know I am right where I am supposed to be in this phase of Dawn’s life. So there is so much excitement inside of me as I like to refer to this as “The little girl version of Dawn” with a twinkle in my eyes and a smile as big as a mile I am anticipating the good to come streaming in. I clearly have a knowing of self and I know that this is going to be an AWESOME year for me no matter what!!! Well, maybe you may be saying yeah, yeah, yeah Dawn I hear you! I am telling you that there are segments in my life that will drastically change and there could be some that may not. But…My philosophy in life is that no matter how much I may think that I know there is always something new for me to learn and experience. How many times have you heard that “Knowledge is Power” I am sure it has been thousands of times in life. Some may only believe that the knowledge that is being referred to only relates to the higher institutions as in the educational realm of your life. Well, let me tell you that you can attain knowledge from your own personal journey of life. I always loved to read and write and with the internet we can reach into so many different directions of knowledge. The wealth of studies that is available is endless like the sea and unless you dip your brain into that body of water you will never attain it. Now in no way am I saying that I am a “Miss Know It All” but I do dabble in enhancing my brain every day. No matter what, I make sure that I exercise it in some way. Would you like to know how this helps me? Well, I have a certain way of expanding the mind and this is one exercise which is so simple and easy. I have signed up to receive email from ~ which I am officially a “Word of the Day Subscriber” YAY!!! As a writer it gives me a sense of learning, pronouncing, defining and honing my skills ala expanding my mind. This is just one small step to my expansion for the New Year! A very dear mystic told me that I needed to keep a “Journal of Feeling” (Hugs ~ Peri)! This journal helps me with checking on myself you know as in being down, stressed, negative etc., as it is to keep me on point towards My Happiness and Positivity! And believe you me I am all for preserving DAWN’S HAPPINESS!!! The world would not be the same with an unhappy Dawn in it. I am telling you from experience as in the truth not a probability or possibility! I also have this little thing called WIWRN, Rituals, Meditations…just overall “Feeding my Soul” with knowledge, positivity and love! Yes, this world (or is it the people within) can be trying at times but I have to stay on point! I have to be real to myself in order to see 2013 in a new light. Hell I am not interested in seeing 2013 with the same eyes that I saw 2012…can we say forward progression, making moves and making it happen ala Nike “Just Do It”!!! I tend to know that I have made strides in my life and mistakes or faux pas that I am not looking to redo ever…I know never say never (sounds like a James Bond movie)! But, if you believe in yourself and your fighting spirit you will not redo it consciously anyway. You will continue to move forward and not look back. As I am sitting here and typing this I am just thinking of a few things of 2012 that affected my world! But, if I had known would I have done it differently? Then again Dawn that would mean that you would have had a Crystal Ball! And that Crystal Ball would have shown me being the most Awesome Writer, TV/Radio personality (OWN Network) and I don’t mean my own show lol you know what I am talking about Oprah Winfrey Network! She doesn’t know me yet but I am feeling like the network needs a little Dawnology in their lives. Am I saying that I am an expert (gosh no) I would never claim to be an expert but, remember I said that I dabble in a few things (smile)!
So as I welcome in the New Year I welcome in all the LIGHT, POSITIVITY, LOVE, FUN, HAPPINESS, JOY and so on and so on. OH GOSH…I almost forgot my New Year began with an invite from a new social networking site GLIPHO! What started as a Tweet on Twitter that lead to my blog which issued and invitation and NOW ~ DRUM ROLL PLEASE I am officially on another site:
I was so in awe when this invite was issued. I can write (because I hear the words) all day and I know that I do have a gift…but, if people like you don’t read it then my voice is silently sitting within the void of noir. You all have embraced me and showed me truly that the words from above are gently placed in my mind, embedded in my soul which flows through my hands to bring it to you as real, as real can get!
With this phenomenal gift I plan on giving it back to the world in the most awesome and amazing way ever.