Saturday, September 20, 2014


There was a time that we seemed to be in touch or in tuned with our being as in the connection between Body, Soul, Spirit, Earth and Universe.  In the past there was a lot more emphasis on the person as a whole opposed to the fragmented thinking that is thrust before us today.  The stimulus that is present is coming to us in warp speeds!  Yes, we are knowingly wanting to evolve as people but why is bigger, faster and essentially to the extreme deems to be the common denominator towards existing and living?  Is that considered as better and for whom?  And who decides that?  Is that the answer to world peace or could it be an understanding of self?

Or is that the…




The Master Plan

Is that the darkness that allows the light to elude some and for the ones that are light filled they are considered unusual.  Hmmm…that is something that I have heard many times in my life.  In this day and age we live in a world that is filled with anger, pain, hurt; devastation, division, war, and crime….and the list can go on and on because that is what we are shown.  Just think is this the reason why we were born?  Is that to be known as a part of our birthright of being a being on this earth?

When we were born we were as they say at our highest state of being, filled with light the untainted source of LIFE and ENERGY.  A source placed here to partake in the experience, the journey.

But, somewhere along the ways of enlightenment has the light disappeared or is it considered as a part of an ancient mythological story or a fairytale? 

Hmmm, it makes me wonder…

When does the light shine bright allowing the happiness to come in? 

Presently the programming has you looking outside for a form of happiness.     This creates the instantaneous form of happiness via retail, ego or other stimuli, a need, a want, a desire.  When did all of that supersede the inner happiness that lives inside and in truly knowing who you are?  I’m sure that you can replay it within the movie inside of your mind.  It is a sense of happiness we knew as a child before our eyes were closed to your inner knowing!

All of this technology that we thrust upon us is that a way to divert your thoughts?   For if it was not for technology where would we be?  Some may say “I can’t live without it” as others like me would shake our head and ponder why? 

Hmmm let me think…

As I remember very well we would be in a creative sense of being and knowing doing research learning how to create, build and exist.  Presently as some may think that we are in a growing time for what the powers that be want us to see.

But the question is ~ Are we growing?

Are we living in a time where we are blindfolded cutting us off from our true nature of being?  Is our existence coinciding with our experience? Because technically if we are blindfolded our only resource would be our senses.  But if you have not taken the time to build them up how can you live and cope with the ways of the world?  How do you activate or should I say re-active the spiritual part of you that shines from within? 

The time is now for you to realize what is important to you, how you want to see, live and be in your life! 

We are living in a controlled environment and if you don’t believe it then your eyes are blinded.

Your Freedom is Your Happiness Which Lives Within

We are told that the world is in chaos by what we watch and see but what if we changed our actions, practices and thoughts. If we go out and engage with mother earth as we did as kids outside running and playing until the street lights came on at night.  What if we grew our own foods and nurtured them as our great grandparents and our grandparents instead of eating processed foods.  Wouldn’t it be nice if instead of teaching children only what they needed to pass the standardized testing that they went back to Home Economics and the simplistic forms of learning to allow you to learn resulting in excellence!  Wouldn’t it be nice if art and music was again brought back into the school systems? 

What if we all took time out to change our thoughts, words and energy?  We keep hearing the emphasis on “Change your thoughts Change your life” don’t we?  Is this part of the master plan, a gimmick...Absolutely not it isn’t.    But some may say that it is!   How would you know if you don’t try?  Let’s start at the most simplistic form if you find yourself speaking negative…now speak positive as some would say check yourself!   What a concept how can speaking positive actually change your life.  Well I can’t speak for the masses but for myself it gave me a clearer and brighter world to embrace.  And when I say world I am talking about my body, my temple the house that houses my soul.  It opened my eyes to a totally different world, it made me reflect but not to judge.  It gave me a reason to share with others as I am doing with you because it truly will make a difference in how you see life, your life and life as a whole. 

Some may think that one person cannot make a difference but they can it only takes one person to have a thought and as crazy as it may sound and to act on it.  Everyone that society has deemed crazy has been inventors, artist, mathematicians, etc… And I my inner child let me know that I am so very different and unique.

These are the dreamers that believed in their existence to create a new reality.  Some may say that I am unusual and I agree I am because at this time in my life I am looking and working from within.  I am taking my dreams and visions and what is coming to me and letting it soak into my inner being. And I will admit there is a change, there is a knowing or a desire to learn, to read, to pass on and to get it out there.  It is a surge of energy that is felt from Dawn to Dusk, Sunrise to Sunset…Ying to Yang.  It is a power that I have never felt before but I embrace and protect with all that I am.


Who knows what may happen if we all can change our thoughts to positive ones?

What do you think will happen?

How will that change your world?

How will it change our world?

Because to be honest right now…

What is taking place is not to benefit us as a being of light.

It is not feeding your soul.

There is so much out there within the world that has been lost in so many ways.

What you see you will emulate that is a known fact!   It will creep into your existence and becomes a part of your world.

And with that said anything that you do for 21 days will become a habit!

Monitor your next 21 days

Monitor your thoughts

Monitor your soul

Monitor your feelings

To create A NEW WORLD!

There has to be the ability or the wanting to change to make a difference…


Take that first step and create your LIFE of TRUTH and of PURPOSE! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


There comes a time in life when things seem to shift from what you thought or knew was important to actually what is. How in the world from birth does this perception change?  Well for one as a child we come into this world and our excitement and exuberance is focused on just being. We allow ourselves to act silly and do whatever we want without thinking twice.  I remember those days and I really do miss them alot.  You really didn’t have to sit and think if you were going to do it you did it with no looking back.
So when did the restrictions and the belonging come into play? 

One word that I can think of is SOCIETY!

As a child I was told before crossing the street I had to look both ways just in case a vehicle was coming.  I literally would as we all were perched on the curb turning our heads to the left and right determining if we were going to cross or not.  Ok I got it and got good at it too in regards to vehicles but what about the things in life that could run you over?  What about unexpected, the unknown, the things that could creep up on you and hit you out of nowhere? 

At this time in my life that is what I would have hoped to have learned about but as in all things there is a reason why.  If you know ahead of time then your action or reaction would not be organic.  It would be pre-empted and scripted and for me that is not how life is supposed to be.  Hey, I am no dummy once you touch a hot stove you know not to put your hand near it again right?  So you find a way to adjust and maybe find a towel or an actual potholder to assist you in what you wanted to do.  You altered your plan, you opened your mind and you created a new way. 
It is at those times that I look back and smile and say you know Dawn you didn’t give up you opened your mind and you shifted your energy in a new direction.  Those are the lessons that I wish was taught in school a “Life Class” how not to use the word CAN’T.  That word is something when I was a child I heard so much “oh Dawn you can’t do, become, or try”!  And just in case you are wondering this was not at home but at school!  Well my mind is telling me I can so who’s with me.  But the WORLD or SOCIETY is telling me hmmm… you can’t.  I can only laugh because for a very tall skinny little girl my mind was made up and I knew I could!  And guess what it may not have been in the material world but in my mind I was that archeologist and I went on those digs to discover the many treasures of the world.  You know what that is called IMAGINATION!!!  My Imagination was and still is one of my best friends!  It kept me entertained and never told me I couldn’t do anything.  It was always there for me to make a way…always! 

So as I celebrate another year of life I will remember the good times and the not so good times.   I will always be thankful to the higher power for my existence.  I will continue to be grateful to the universe for listening to me while gazing at the starts telling you how my life will be.  Just recently I have found out the power of two of the coolest words…I AM!

You can put anything behind it and it will begin to shape your world believe me I know.  Use it as if you are playing a game to begin to ignite the spark of creativity and life inside of your being.  Let your inner child take over and go wacky with the notion of these two words!

Noble Peace Prize Winner
New York Times Best Selling Author
International Author
Talk/Radio Show Host

World Traveler
Queen (wink JM)

Nowhere on my list is there the word can’t…just think about it and relish in the positivity and the electricity in the deliciousness of life.  From what I am told there are no restrictions in my ability to be.  I came into this world being and knowing that I have this deep feeling of I was going to be “famous”!  But now when I think about it that wasn’t the right word but who knew I was a child back then.  The word that I will use right now is “VIABLE” (able to be done or worth doing) ~ Thanks Encarta Dictionary (wink another good friend of mine)!  Because with that I know that I am focusing on being viable to the world.  All of my actions and words are going to worthwhile.  I will no longer allow my being to be saturated by negativity (words, people or actions).  Or the nonsense of someone telling me that I can’t do something ever again… My first phase of life at times seemed like I was feeling my way around as if I had on a blindfold.  And as I began to tune into to whom “I Am” I began to become brave and peak from under the blindfold. The first time of course I had such a nervous feeling that would give me goose bumps.  Then as I began to build up my strength it got easier lifting it for longer period of times.  But what was the most challenging was actually me deciding that I no longer needed the blindfold to shield me from the who, what, when and where’s of the world.  As I gained strength in my eyes that were once weak are now refreshed and refocused.  It gave me a new perspective a new way of seeing and doing.  Believe me it wasn’t that easy but who said it needed to be.
I had a friend (JU) ask me at this time in my life would I rather have gone through the hard times when I was younger as in the first ½ of life or now as I begin my second phase of life…hmmm?  Deep question and I never really thought about it that way BUT...My answer to him was in the first ½ of life so that now I can see with my eyes and not viewing it from others perceptions of what they wanted me to be or be influenced by! 

What would your answer be?
When you think about how vast life is we are energy and energy is a power how we can not feel the energy of life.

I can’t tell you how to feel or be but what I can give you is the truth on Dawn…

At this time in my life I have grown to appreciate who Dawn is and why I was named Dawn…As in the Sunrises every day, you will always see the Dawn in the morning and she will always set at night.  The Sun is a form of light, the warmth on your skin on a hot summer’s day…  It appears with such brilliance as it rises above to shine its light on the world! 
WOW that’s me and that is sooooooo amazing!
Another good friend (Hi Peri) told me to OWN IT to know who I am and walk in that light!  To be Dawn with all of the essence that beholds the sun!  I said ok I can do that but OMG did I not realize just what it was to own Dawn…Man she is filled with knowledge that is given from above.  You have a lot who are not receptive to the words but you have some that are light filled that embraces her. I know I am the spirit within and I see how it is to be.  In no way am I saying that I am better than anyone as we are all unique.  But, the uniqueness of being Dawn is that she has the coolest inner child, spirit guides and guardian angels that are with her everywhere she goes.  That is not a hypothetical that is a fact and if you believe you know that you have a team as well. 

So all your life you had a desire….dream…a vision
So when does the magic begin
When do you step out on that invisible ledge and take the leap
When do you say Yes to yourself
When do you believe
Do you keep giving excuses
Does your dream have a timestamp
When will it expire
When will you begin to implement
Hmmm….I know maybe tomorrow
The time isn’t right
I have too much to do
So and so has done it before
We have too many original people in the world
Hmmm…I really don’t have time

Well I have said that as well ~ all of the above.  You think I just share these things with you as an experiment?  NO all of this comes from above and it is channeled through me so who do you think would have experience this  HELLO ~ Dawn
Which leads to the Truth ~ as in living your truth?  I have been chosen and this is my purpose.   It is my passion that drives me in the silence of the night.  The words that dance around in my head when put onto paper are a sheer Symphony of Life. 
The sweet sounds of a whisper that gently caresses your mind and allows your being to let go and feel the energy from above.  To say out loud that I am here, this is your purpose and this is your gift back to the world. 

I will tell you at first the chatter was so strong I had no idea and it was constant.  But once I was given instructions to silence the spirit and listen not just with my ears but my entire being I was brought into the light of life.

A Luminance of a Dawn!
(Sounds like a cool title for a blog ~ giggle, giggle, giggle)

Thursday, April 24, 2014


When you are sitting all alone within your space what are you actually thinking of?  As we all know that we are a part of this Earth, but for some reason the ego always wants us to be a part of something much bigger. And that something bigger is the mirror affect which keeps pushing you and the end result becomes a reflection of which you truly are.  As we live upon this vast piece of land it allows us to center ourselves within the two elements of the day Sunrise and Sunset.  They also represent the most crucial aspects of existence which is light and darkness which could also relate to life and death as well.  It could also reflect the thoughts of the soul that transcends to the body and mind. If you live your life in positivity and peace therefore you are living in light.  And that is the light that burns within and shines brightly.  And as they say people who are of the same light will be able to see that everlasting burning flame within you.  Then you have the other aspect darkness, negativity!   To be honest most negative people are not aware that they are actually negative!   No one starts off in life desiring or wanting to be negative.  They are so use to existing and living the way they are they have no desire to change.  Essentially it could be by no fault of your own due to what you have seen or experienced that is allowing your body to absorb and speak negativity therefore you are emitting darkness. 

I think back to when I was a child and yeah some may say it was a long time ago but it really wasn’t (yeah that’s what I said) so stop laughing.  I am thinking back to a little box that projected images that was either in your living room or if you were lucky in your very own bedroom.  I have thought about the shows that were being played.  I won’t bore you with the names lol but we had shows that were comparable to Animal Planet, MTV, Talk shows etc.  But what I can say fully is that we didn’t see so much death and destruction on TV.  We didn’t see the gorge and the blood, the carnage, the evil, the hatred and the realization of the darkness that is amongst us.  And real-talk the News filters a lot of that into the mind as we have been indoctrinated to read the news via newspapers and to watch it as well.  And the news is on all day and night how in the hell can they find that many negative subjects and stories 24/7 365, I will never know?  But, what I can say is apparently the most popular show on TV as people may not believe is the News.  My reason is that it is on all the time and it has never been shut off for ratings that should tell you something! Hmmm… big bubble over the head time!  I rarely even watch it even in the location of the world that I am in.  I may ingest some it (not by choice) as there are TV’s on within the office which seems to be what they all seem to watch is the news.   What I have failed to see is positivity and if it is shown it is very small segments that get lost in the small time bracket that they were given. 

I can reflect back to being a child outside and playing, and the only blood you may have seen was from someone falling and getting a scrap while playing in the neighborhood.   Within a small town your news that you got was from the neighborhood person who I would call being nosey.  But to be honest they were performing a service giving us updates on the activities within our environment.   

So let’s get back to the earth you shape within…hmmm this title came to me and I thought wow what journey am I being taken on for this posting. 

I was thinking about Earth as a cumulative as each person making up the earth!   But, then the thoughts took me into the direction of my individual Earth.  My own individual earth which is a part of the mind, body, soul and spirit,  the part that lurks within each and every one of us.  It is the essence of the biggest part of our lives.  It is the who, what, when and where of it all.  It is what makes us who we are, what we say and how we maneuver in the world.  It is the variation of human existence from all over the world.  Each and every crevasse of our home sends out the beacon and connections to our very own heart.  It is what BEING is all about!

So when you are thinking of a home ~ think of yourself, think of your vessel (your being) being your home and then take that out even further to the many cells within.  Earth is our home but our beings are encased in a home that we will continue to maintain until we depart.  At first I was thinking that this is deep but, then I was like it is just another form of information that is channeled through the sun bringing light to the world (smile).

I cannot give you the why’s to the words that I type and share but what I can say is that it is obvious that it is for us to ingest.  It is giving you information to engage and embrace!   To determine whether or not it means anything to you so you can incorporate it into your home.

Our minds are a very powerful tool and what we see, and hear is recorded from the very beginning of our first breath.  Some things are right at the surface and can be remembered at the split second of thought.  Whereas other things are deeply embedded to only come to be upon a memory or an unusual occurrence that may trigger a thought or scenario.

We all need some down time and time to relax.  But just think when you are sitting and watching TV and you are looking at a reflection of what the writer wants you to see.  Most of the times it is outrageous and very rarely would it have a real life ending.  Or should I say an ending that you as the individual have brought into your existence.  When you are watching so call Reality TV is it really real???  It is being recorded and I am sure edited and scripted.  Is the outcome real or it is what they want you to believe as being real. Ask yourself why???
Why are we as humans (not all) so willing to accept a form of programming in our lives opposed to actually using our time to create the show that we want to see which is within our own lives.  When will you actually sit down and write the script and play the character which is you and begin to create?  When do you listen to the tiny voice within and say “hey wait a minute I want to be the STAR of my own show"!

I am ready and willing to put forth the effort of the self opposed rather than looking at someone else predicting what the outcome would or could be.  When do you stand in the mirror and say (fill in your name) I am ready to live my existence to the fullest.  I am ready to embrace all that the Universe has in store for me.  I mean really it has to be a part of you that is longing to become or do something that you have always wanted to but never had the drive to do it.  Whether it is family, friends or yourself who talked you out of it when do you listen to the voice within?  When it is time to create the real you?

 I will admit it is something that I never thought that I would have to face because I thought I was the real Dawn.  Yes my name is Dawn and yes I am real but there was something missing…  Just something that didn’t seem right and believe me it is not a bad thing at all.  I started noticing what made me happy what made me excited in life. And for some strange reason it was not the work that I did on a daily basis that for all of my long hours was for an exchange of money.  But how could that be are we programmed that success and happiness is in our jobs and what we have as material pieces of life?  But it is never measured by how we feel or how the soul responds.  Our soul is such an integral part of our lives.  You can feel it on an outer level but the soul will emit the deepest most intense feelings ever.  Your soul will speak if you listen to it as it can be considered as a compass for life.
I’ve learned that a lot of times my body will respond a certain way or the inner voice will speak but it is totally up to me to adhere to what is being said.  Even in times when you may feel you don’t have any other way sit still and breathe the mind will respond with silence and you will get an answer.  It is not something that I can explain other than being in a peaceful state of knowing.  Knowing that the universe is listening to every word that I speak whether it be positive or negative.  And the responses that surround you will surely let you know what you are projecting out.  Look around and see if you are speaking words of positivity and light. I know that it can be daunting and I catch myself at times.  But since I have begun to take note it is like a game to me.  I catch myself slipping down into the abyss and I will begin to smile and say to myself “ok Dawn get it together”. It is a matter of seconds that you can actually take note and change your thoughts.
Remember the mind is powerful and what you put into it is the fuel that keeps it functioning at its optimum best.  If you fill it with positivity then that it what you will project to the world.  If you fill it with darkness then you project negativity to the world! 

As beings we are here to live, breathe, be and emit light. So let your light shine upon the earth and create the “Home” that lies within you!

Do you remember this gospel hymn…?
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine…
Now I can say that I truly know what this song means and it makes me SMILE!!!
So why not let your light shine!  It better being in your Home with the light on rather than stumbling around this earth with it being off.
Just a Thought (wink)…