Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Eyes Wide Shut

In a society where things are pushed under the rug and the masses turns a blinds eye to a constant struggle in society.  Each and every one of us has had an “Eyes Wide Shut” moment in our lives whether it was personal, work related or tribe oriented.  There are times that we don’t want to get involved but knowingly apparent that the actions or reactions are not right!  I guess that I can say within my life the tribe that I belonged to have the syndrome not just on strangers but within.  My experience with this was a life changing or should I say life altering aspect of who I was and what I have become in my life.  In accordance of the law of love thy neighbor where does the love go?  Where did it come to pass that it is every man, woman and child that are for themselves!  I thought as a society that we as a people have a sense of humanity a sense of what I have is mine and I am not willing to share. There are too many times that we strive to be the very best that we perceive ourselves to be slowly separating ourselves from the very foundation that we derived from. This is the time of year where there is no difference in the day, time, month or situation that we tend to give ourselves a reality check to help our fellow man, woman and child.  Why is it that hearts are opened up and giving becomes the new way to be for the month of December?  When you look at it, it seems to be a little hypocritical in a way as the helping and acknowledging our fellow man, woman and child should be in the forefront of our hearts and minds everyday of our lives.  But why is it that this one month out of the year that we want to acknowledge this as the title seems to be so unfitting as in the “less fortunate”.  What is or why would we tag that set of words to a situation or a being…it seems so very shallow and demeaning.  Instead of putting a title to it why not go into action and make a change in their lives. Why not give them hope and encouragement throughout the year and not give an out pouring of love and understanding one month and then disappear for the remaining 11 months that precedes after that.   How do we let them know that we are here for them throughout the year…?
I happened to fall into a scenario via a question that was asked in relation to collecting toys for children’s as some will refer to as Toys for Tots.  As this gesture and program has been around in my world but in this region where I am it is non-existent.  Holidays of this magnitude that is celebrated in the states are not here.  So, an idea, suggestion a wanting turned into a heavenly phone call that was placed to a work associate that lead me to a religious sect.  After numerous calls Pastor Allen answered the call and the miracle began to take form as he said his prayers were answered and that I was “The Angel” with the message (such a wonderful way to say it)!  The conversation went from Toys to unimaginable events that women are dealing with while making a living to make a better way for their families from a distance.  In their Pursuit of Happiness that was promised to them they took a journey to another land for employment to only find suppression and neglect.  Your new job in which was sprinkled with promise and advancement to provide a better life for your family back home you now find inequality and inability.  From being in charge of your own existence to now being a part of a family where you are non-existent.   You are expected to work around the clock 24 hours 7 day a week 365 days a year.  You are expected to be a mother, wife, grandmother, nanny, servant and so much more.  Just think about this in the biggest way that you can in a world where all of those functions are performed by an individual as you are expected to take on all of those identities.  So with those titles comes cooking, cleaning, babysitting etc., and we haven’t even touched the expectations from what the wife and the husband of the family expects of you as well!  At that point you have to be imagining what have I gotten myself into but then again I can do this because I am taking care of my family to give them a better life…So you continue to work and try to be the very best that you can but all you get is negativity, maybe get hit which becomes repetitive and to a state of being abused.  How could you have ever dreamed of being in that state of being when you were a child?  When you were asked “what do you want to be when you grow up” did this scenario ever cross your mind.
For myself I can say no but for the many that I laid my eyes on at the Embassy I am sure that they would also like to say no.  But in reality they cannot because they were living that life expressed above but escaped to gain asylum to a place of peace where they exist with only the clothes on their backs, shame in their hearts, troubled minds and feeling as if they are alone (and that is in a crowded room).  How could I ever even imagined that I would experience this opportunity to see, feel and touch them who are just like me as in a human being.  The ages ranged from young to old and there only connection was that they were the same nationality.  Each one has a story to tell…A story that they will not willingly want to share because the shame is just too much to consume within their souls.  How do you reach deep down into your existence and gain back your soul.  How do you reach out for help when you feel there is none?  How do you unsilence your voice when no one can hear you speak?  How do you learn to live again…?
The very small gesture that I was able to participate in was in the form of necessities in a physical sense blankets, toiletries, and clothes and shoes that I had and wanted to give and a holiday cake.  How did I know that I would be able to touch about 180 women that I would see 360 eyes and ears that would look and hear for motivation and inspiration?  It was at that time that a smile, kind word, a hug would mean so very much for them. 
Because within the sand there are the forgotten ones that got away.  The ones that dug so deep to know that although this was not what I asked for or wanted they knew that there was so much more.  So much more for them that don’t end here where they are today.  For the 180 woman that I gazed my eyes upon I wondered what I could give them to soothe their souls…to ease their minds.  How could I let them know that I understand and that I am here even though I have not experienced what they did but I have felt in my lifetime ~
Verbal abuse
Looked Down Upon
Not being good enough
Not given words to inspire
Or feeling like you have no hope….
|    |
 As my mind raced and an epic movie played in my head of the negativity that I have felt.  I had to be strong in spirit but gentle in my appearance and words.  No matter who you are or what you have endured you can get over it but you always remember it.  You don’t have to carry it as a badge of honor or say it to the masses but it is a part of the journey you took to get you where you are today.
So my answer, my test, my path, my journey via the higher power was to embrace the moment, the place, the vibe, the essence of that space of time.
I began to feel an inner glow and a sense of a specialness that was sent from the most high.  The whisper in my ear was “You were chosen, you are an angel, you are blessed – Be Dawn”! 
For this holiday season please give of yourself in an unselfish way.  When you think of buying gifts think of a gift that you can give to someone who would not expect it a simple gesture of kindness~ buying a coffee for someone at your local store without them even knowing it.  How about reaching out to elderly families in your community with cookies, candy and conversation maybe you will learn something to add to your recipe of life.  It is not just about people who are in need because to be honest we all need something to continue to evolve in life.  We all are lacking in some way…Yes, we are not perfect!  But what we do have or should have is compassion for one another.  If we continue to be selfish with our money, time, experiences and lessons learned…how we can transcend our being to the next level. 
It is not about who has the most or who doesn’t!  It is about giving not just for the month of December it is every day of your life.  There are tons of things that are free a smile, handshake, kind words, gratitude, and thankfulness for example.  I am sure that you can add on the list.
This experience has taught me a lot  as in strength, persistence and endurance as human beings. But in that message I also received this message below for myself to embrace:
DAWN ~ You have always toned yourself Dawn to appease to the masses to not be talked about or looked down upon.  You didn’t want to stand out or be noticed ever.  But guess what that is part of your gift!  You shine like no other even when you don’t want too.  It is from the inside out like a beacon from above.  You have your permission to shine Dawn…YOU HAVE YOUR PERMISSION TO SHINE!!! (Thanks Elisabeth Grace you are awesome) ~ Hey Peri miss ya xoxo!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Legacy of A Legend Within Me

What an amazing group of words that popped into my mind..…hmm “The Legacy of A Legend Within Me”!  As I was walking I had to stop and take out my handy dandy little pen and the paper receipt of some items that I purchased to write it down on.  Now, yes I have a massive brain and I am not that old (hahaha) that I can’t remember but it was the power of the words that came to me that let me know that it is very important to me and to the world. 
When we think of the word legacy what or who do you think of?  Of course you know the drill (fill in the blank)?  Well good ol Encarta says –something from the past.  Something that is handed down or remains from a previous generation or time”.   Hmmm what a prolific way to think of this on those terms!  To be honest I never really thought of it in that vain.  But why today? Why now?  I know that the words legacy or legend always seemed to be connected to someone or something of significant stature you know like  Martin Luther King, JFK, Muhammad Ali, Gandhi and Mother Theresa to name a few. They were legends to who created a legacy which is so phenomenal! I never really heard it attached to an everyday person like me.  So is this for me to recognize my talents that will put me in the Legacy or Legend category or both as I would surely accept that honor and hold it high on a pedestal.   Should I begin to make my acceptance speech to note everyone and everything that has helped me to get to Legacy or Legend status or is it something that I need to ride out alone in silence?
Often I tend to walk around and observe people in their element and I say there element because they look at me as if I am a stranger.   What makes me a stranger is basically I wasn’t born here.  But as in all things we have the ability to read, learn and gather information.  And next thing you know WHAM I am learning the language, eating the foods, and embracing that part of the world.  Ideally that is correct I wasn’t born here but I am here right where I am supposed to be at this time in my life. Now that I got that out of the way let’s get back to My Legacy…My Legend!!!
From my inception, (Day 1) my first breath towards the Legacy via the Legend began.  Again, we look to citizens of the world that we feel that has done something outstanding (held at high esteem) and we give them the titles and the labels.  But what about me…what about me and my journey, my steps!  All of that makes me who I am and it is a part of me in so many ways.  It is indoctrinated in my mind and branded in my soul I mean otherwise my existence would be void, the abyss, gosh totally nonexistence.  But I know that is not true as I was given life for a reason.  I Dawn have a reason for being here on this earth.  I have a reason to look the way that I do!  To speak the way that I speak!  To think the way that I think!  And to embrace the world the way that I am!   So with that alone I AM LEGEND!!! (And No I am not talking about the movie with Will Smith) I am talking about creating a Legacy!
When I play back all the scenes of my life that I can remember from the wee little steps that I made to the giant leaps that I am making now.  Isn’t that grounds for being honored in that elite echelon of greatness!   I mean really why would I want to settle?  Why would I want to live a mediocre life or accept within myself that I am not Supreme (Khi - wink)!  To be honest my name should be presented to the masses as Queen Dawn (that has a cool ring to it)!  My home is my Castle and my favorite Chair is my Throne.  Can you imagine having that persona attached to your name!  Just take a few minutes and say it Queen__________ (fill in the blank with your name) or King___________ (fill in the blank with your name)!  I can picture me sitting there wearing the most luxurious fabrics (silks, velvets, chiffons) with the hottest jewelry big vibrant jewels (reds, greens, purples, yellow)!  And OMG let’s not forget the CROWN and I am not talking a small one either mine probably would have two (2) tiers on it in solid gold.  And as regal as they come I would have to walk standing straight up as an arrow to keep that heavy crown on the top of my head.  I can hear Khi saying “don’t worry you have a big head so you should be able to keep in on without any problems” (hahaha)!  And to the world that may be true but guess what it is my Crown on my Big ol Head!  And as far as my imagination is stretched there is a sense of Elegance that comes with wearing a long gown, jewels with a crown and why not add a scepter just in case someone acts up I can hit them over the head with it.   Did you really think they just carried them for show?   So let’s imagine Queen Dawn in her regalia sitting on her throne with an awesome scepter awaiting the world to acknowledge her existence……
In a faraway land amongst my throne I feel my mother’s hand placed on my shoulder (shaking me) to wake me up from the most awesome dream ever??? Faintly I can hear her say Dawn wake up…wake up…you have to get up now.  Man does she not realize that I am running things here in this dream...
I am Queen Dawn
I Rule and Reside over the Country of Dawn
The Town of Dawn
The State of Dawnnnnnnnnn!!!
And so forth…………
In other words I am running things in only the way that Dawn can
HAHAHA (I know I am silly TD but you know that is me ~ smile)
So in my most imaginative state I can truly say that I have experienced so much that my real life is actually catching up with.  Hmmm…or I am running towards it.  I have seen many places and walked many miles upon the sands of time.  I have read many words that have captivated my mind and planted numerous seeds of the future.  I have fertilized the tiny plants into trees of wisdom.  I have climbed the highest mountains and searched for numerous rainbows on this foundation of land that we call home.
All of the metaphors that I have been referring to above indeed are the offspring of my existence.  It is part of my soul that lives within the shell of the body that I occupy as my home...my castle (wink).    My mind can be seen as a universal connection to the higher power.  Within that power is the energy that is sent down from above.  An electrical connection meshing from above and below.  It is the most powerful electrical current ever to transcend from the heavens into my brain which creates an AWESOME visualization aka a Dream! 
My motto for today is DREAM BIG!!!  Why limit yourself to what you can be or accomplish in your lifetime or the many lifetimes that you are to encounter.  By stifling your thoughts you stifle you riches, your glory, your reaching and touching the greatness within.  Never ever think that there is not a reason why you are here.  There is a reason; there is a need of your existence!  There is a gift inside of you that is waiting to be unlocked with the key of life.  The key that was placed inside of you when you arrived on this Planet called Earth.  Each and every person has a purpose whether you believe it or not.  
Upon your birth it was written that you have a purpose a reason for being within this existence.  That you and you alone is the only one that can give this to the masses!   The masses are awaiting your arrival KING________ or QUEEN________!
Rise from your throne, hold your head up high (remember you have on a crown on) raise your scepter and cast your thunderous voice amongst the masses.  (I’m using my name but it can be changed to King/Queen – with your name also)
I Queen Dawn
Proclaim the following
I hereby Proclaim today as Queen Dawn’s Day of Awakening!  A day of miracles beyond my imagination! A day of probabilities becoming possibilities. 
A Day of Hope
I am Thankful
I am Grateful
Acknowledge your existence no matter who you are….
This is your Life
This is your Time
You hold the Key
To your Present
To your Future
To your Destiny which you are the Legend
And this is your LEGACY!!!
Somehow deep down you already know what you want to be or become.  The question is whether you will acknowledge and grab hold onto your internal truth of being (your gift)?  Or do you live in the “I could have been” Mantra of Life.  Success no matter in what form how big or small is the driving force to feeling as if you can stand on top of the world!  Are you ready to take the steps required to be at your very best?  Only time will tell…but as the sands of time continues to shift so does your thoughts, your actions, your flow!  Your cans will turn into the “well I could have traveled the world but…”!  Don’t let that stigma grab hold onto your soul and squeeze your ability to make whatever you want to be or do escape your will.  Think about this… how do you know what you can do if you don’t try?  How can you excel if you don’t put the task before you?   When did the negative become a part of your existence?  When do you decide to let your dreams fade and not pursue?  To be honest you may not have the same questions in your head as I but I assure you they are similar. If at any time you have dreamed of anything that didn’t come to be in your life it is because you dreamed it but you did not put forth action to grasp it to bring it into your world. 
You may be wondering how do I know because the very same words that are being poured into my head by the higher power is meant for me as well and to express to you as I am a mere vessel.  In order for me to become the Artist, The Author, The Legend…The Legacy I must pursue, I must believe, I must acknowledge that YES my GIFT is shining though!!!
It is an excellent, wonderful, phenomenal, exuberant feeling of life!  I am grabbing this part of my life with two (2) hands and not letting go…for I am LEGEND and this is my LEGACY!