Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Year Of 7 ~ 2014

What exactly is Dawn talking about hmm...? It’s all about Numerology!   Some are inclined to say that it opens up your whole world which is connected to the Universe.  We as humans tend to have a quasi belief in either it is truth or fiction.  But, as in all things it is determined by yourself and what your beliefs are in life.  So, let’s begin this journey.  I have always been intrigued with words but numbers are surely a part of the equation as well. Numbers are very essential in our daily lives as we have so many references that are broken down in a numerical form.  So what exactly does this mean for you for the year of 2014 and what makes it a 7 year?  Basically it is by adding 2+0+1+4.  Typically the number 7 corresponds on a spiritual, intelligent, analytical, focused, introspective, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, serious, refined, and gracious and having inner wisdom level.  To me that is totally amazing and so exciting whereas I plan on embracing this upcoming year in the most phenomenal way! 
 As I began to think of the days that leads us to the New Year this particular topic came to mind which lead to research and finding out some interesting paths to go on.   There have been so many things of interest that has been shown to me from over a period of time.  I have chosen to go within on a lot of these subjects and also have secluded myself from many of the aspects of life to address the calling that has been set before me.   Would I ever think that I would be writing and spreading a lot of the information that comes to me?  Well the answer would be “No” but what I have come to know is that the messages that I receive are real.  Each message that I have received are messages not just for me but for you as well as we are connected as one.  Each and every word comes from a source that is so much greater than I am and comes to me for a reason.  And with that reason knowledge and growth appears.  Although, I knew from a very young age that I had many gifts (Thx Nanny for believing in me ~ wink) I didn’t know how to cultivate them because the earthly life got in the way.  A change began in 2009 it began the low period of illness and the uncertainty of darkness and pain within….technically the unknown and the unfamiliar.  2010-2011 I was trying to quiet the voices that were within, the chatter, the noise to separate what was to be heard.  But, what I didn’t know was I was supposed to hear it all, but why?  2012 was the year of discovery the compartmentalization of my life, my brain, the chatter that consumed me.  So hence my soul sent me on a mission of writing down the words to empty my mind.  2013 I kicked fear out of my spirit and silenced the mind through meditation and talks with my intuitive friend for life (Hi Peri) and began to empty out the closets of my mind to make way for clarity, guidance and direction.  It awakened my inner child and welcomed her back into my life to frolic and play within my soul.  The youthfulness consumed my mind, body, soul and spirit and no matter what I felt like the 5 year old Dawn new and revived.  I was slowly being guided to make changes.  Now, with the changes that I made it ignited people to make judgments as to attacking my character, stating that “I Am Changing”.  My answer to you is “YES” I am changing but isn’t that’s what we are to do within our human experience?  Aren’t we supposed to grow, to experience, and to change therefore implementing it into our lives?   Instead of me hanging out (which I never do anyway) my time was in meditation, reading, writing and pursuing my dream of being an author.  I had no choice as that was what I was guided to do.  So what’s so wrong with that?   And why would you reference my change in a negative connotation?  I cannot live your life or tell you what or how to be.  But, one thing for sure no matter what you say, or do you will never be me!  There is only one Original named Dawn Gregory (from birth) and that is who I AM! What I was given at birth (MY PURPOSE) was just for me to cultivate, to embrace, to endure, to pursue, to walk along the path of Dawn. 
Hey I will admit I am in awe of the transformation myself when I think back.  My memory is very sharp and I have visualizations that are so vivid.  I can tell you this in my lowest times within the void of my life I never gave up although I wanted to!  It didn’t matter whatever was or has been put before me to endure I stayed true to the higher power and myself.  And during those times I had many labels (negativity) thrust upon me and yes it hurt but now I can smile.  I may have felt like I wanted to say ok I can’t do this but the higher power just comes over me and looks me in the eyes and says take one step at a time with a clear mind and you can do this!   The ironic part in life is that no one will or can determine your story without you telling them. It is not like you come with a book attached to your life where we can go to the Library of the Universe to check it out.  That would be so cool but it would be too easy and would not allow us to have a human experience in knowing, sharing or relating to another. 
Each and every one of us has a story, we have a Past, and we have a Present and a Future (PPF)!  So my question to you is you have lived the past and your present which is very familiar to you.  Now what about your FUTURE?  Two Thousand Fourteen is knocking at your door right now!  How will you address that knock?  Will you bury your head deep in the sand, will you try to stall it, and will you act as if it is nonexistent?  Or will you welcome it with open arms?  Will you open the door with a big smile on your face, standing tall and say Hello 2014 welcome into my home I have been waiting for you to arrive!  Now when I reference “home” I am talking about your being, your mind, body, spirit and soul the entire YOU!  I am talking about you embracing who you are 100% and be willing and desiring the acceptance of changes at this very point in your life. 

It is the knowing that will always catapult you above the clouds taking you to heights that are beyond your imagination.  If you are like me and have been living your life day to day, month to month, year to year…What is your dream, desire or wish that burns deep within?  If you have taken action then you are ahead of the game but if not then…What are you are waiting for?  We all have a purpose in life and isn’t it about time that you answer your calling in accordance to what your soul calls you to do?  I was on Face book News Feed ~ 11:11 Awakening Code and I read the following: “Your purpose is not what you do to bring home a paycheck.  Your purpose is what you were put on earth to do with such intensity and passion that it becomes a spiritual calling.”   WOW!!!  Totally a new mantra for me and I do mean a daily mantra! 
Mantra ~ (Holy Word in Meditation) In Hindu & Buddhist religious practice, a sacred word, chant, or sound that is repeated during meditation to facilitate spiritual power and transformation of consciousness ~ (Often Repeated Expression or Idea) An expression or idea that is repeated without thinking about it, and closely associated with something (Thank you Encarta Dictionary)

So I have introduced you to another form or a way of expanding your life as a whole.  It is not about being Hindu or Buddhist it is about enhancing your life to be all that you can and be focused on birthing your purpose.  Always remember that religion began with one and because of man many different facets were formed.  But simply put we are all of one power, one being.  No one’s religion is right or wrong it is about believing in a higher power and knowing that it does exist no matter what.  (But that is my personal opinion – wink)

Right now I am still amazed that while I was writing this I was guided to open up FB and this was the first posting that I viewed so it just seemed like a sign to me, a calling, an affirmation and mantra for 2014…transcending my life to the next level! 

~ Please know that I am not just talking to you but I am talking with you as I ask ~

2014 ~ What will it bring for your life?

Will you make a resolution?

Will you promise yourself to fulfill that resolution for the entire year?

Or are you already looking to fail before you even start?

Will you answer the call from within and begin to LIVE your PURPOSE?

As it is solely up to you?

I know what my 2014 is looking like…How about you?

It’s time to make 2014 a year of:






Act on your PURPOSE and LISTEN to you Inner Voice….

And make the decision to CHANGE



Monday, December 23, 2013

The Meaning Of...

As the holiday season is upon us it gives me an extra feeling of a peace within.  With all of the turmoil that faces us around the world we still should feel a sense of belonging.  Holidays are the times when people come together and share, love and just be.  I often wonder why it is only this time of the year when people tend to go above and beyond to show compassion or a sense of giving.   Why do we as a society decide to concentrate on the spending of money rather than time?  For gifts of material items rather than gifts and meaning of life.  For the many things that we tend to gravitate to that is so commercialized and not benefitting us as a society.  It is the many faces of the world that follows traditional tendencies when they can’t even embrace each other.

These are the types of examples that make up the many scenarios and segments of our lives.   What is the difference between celebrating Christmas in another country opposed to spending it in the United States?
The many, many miles that separate me from the states I still actually see trees and ornaments, chocolate Santa’s and Reindeer’s.   There are Christmas stockings and hats fake snow in a can but for what purpose?   It is solely for the commercial aspect?   Or is it to make us feel as if we are home?  All of these so call customary gestures that are being extended to us is reminding me of the song ”It’s Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas” ~ Ok well maybe a tropical Christmas with palm trees, sand and water.  Hey I am not complaining at all!   I look at it as being very unique just like me (smile)!

I never understood why one month out of the year it brings the most amazing sense of giving no matter on what level.  It is as if everyone stores up a level of caring until December.   And for the entire month of December our cups runneth over in so many ways.    But wouldn’t it be so much better if we could give that energy throughout the year?  And I am not just talking about monetarily but in the actual action the caring for one another as in mankind.   We all have grown up in a society where there are classes Upper, Middle, Lower.  I am not sure who came up with this but we all know that is how it is.  But from what I know is that there isn’t any ranking or classes.  There is no superiority or lower class the only class is “The Human Race” that is it.  
So where do we go from here?   How do we move forward and try to uplift instead of letting people know that they are less fortunate.  How do we look within ourselves to say YES we noticed that you may not have what I have but my eyes are open and I am here to assist you in making a better life?  I am here to give you the tools that I used for me to grow as I am ready to plant a seed within your mind to uplift your life.  There are so many different types of gifts that we can focus on besides money.  We can give a gift of self where we can incorporate meditation into our lives to quiet our minds to hear from within.  We can give the gift of encouragement, the gift of smiles, of happiness, of love.  There are so many things that we can give.  For me my gifts that I give back to the world aren’t necessarily to be only given on Christmas or during the holiday season but throughout the year.  As I work on knowing who Dawn is I tend to go beyond my thoughts and actions in learning in some of the unusual methods by attending the College of the Universe.  That in itself makes me smile because for me that is limitless there is never a degree that I have to be associated with but overall each step that I take I know that it is taking me to the next level of greatness.  And when I mention greatness that is within me towards my legacy, my own personal, truly what I desire to satisfy… an urge of knowledge.  I have learned so much and in no way am I an expert but I go outside of the box, I go to the next level!  I follow my inner voice that guides me to the next lesson or class that I am to take and I embrace it to the upmost.  I have always had a love for learning and that will never go away because for me that is life… like the air I breathe everyday to exist. 
But what excites me even more is the giving back of what I have learned and the aspect of sharing.  Yes to some it maybe weird or unconventional but it works for me.   It is something that I have pushed myself to do to not be confined in a box.  I think for me I have always been a nonconformist in so many ways by asking questions all the time you know “The Why’s” lol.  To be honest The Why’s got me to where I am today!  To the most amazing place within that I know so well which that makes me who I am. 
So hmmmm….

I pondered what exactly would be my gifts that I would give to the world this year?   Well I have my ability to learn and try out so many different practices that leads me in so many different directions?  (I think that is very interesting)   Now that I am thinking it would be in a form of re-gifting what I have learned, applied and giving back to the world is “The Gift That Keeps On Giving”! 
So on this holiday season I will give the gift of life, hope, happiness and love.  I will continue to share my gift of words that I share on my blog that is truly a very essential part of my existence.  Words have always been a part of my life and it has comforted me at night in times of turmoil and in time of happiness and love.  It is the gift from above that was given to me that I hold so very dearly that I am able to give back.  I have been gathering up my gifts along the way from the very moment of my existence and these are the gifts that I will be sharing from this moment forward.   So this holiday season I am wishing you all to live a life of POSITIVITY!!!!  A life that we long to have but never stepped onto that invisible step of life to see if it will hold us up.  Stepping out on faith, on a sense of knowing on the existence of who we are and what we are here to experience.  The miraculous feeling of this time of the year is magically filled with lights, warmth and comforting conversation.

My Gift is my knowledge that has been wrapped up for many years.  Now is the time for them to be unwrapped and shared with the world.  I have taken off the pretty bow and ripped off the colorful paper and beneath it all is ME!!!!
As I continue to fill my soul with love, my mind with words and my being with light.  I will continue to share the words from above for us all to live a wonderful life!



Saturday, October 26, 2013


As I slowly make my way into another dimension of life.  I felt a heaviness that was like no other.  It is something that I have never ever felt before.  It was an uneasy feeling that was placed upon my soul.   Where did this feeling come from?   But more importantly why is it cropping up right now in my life?    As I searched within the books of life I tend to think back to when I would have experienced or felt the heaviness that was thrust upon me.  From what I recall the only time I could think of was my mother’s death.  I couldn’t even imagine why this would be cropping up now within my being.   
I think it all began with a move from one location to another upon the sands of the east.   There was an urgency of moving the entire office as well as personal things.  No matter how I prepared and planned nothing will take shape until we actually go forth with the movement and begin a new life amongst the trees of palms.  In the deep crevasses of my heart there was a resistant and not a need or urgency to move!  I had that moment of really this is actually going to happen WOW!  Too many years, too much time, too many memories cast into the life that once was.  

The move took place and all of the pieces of the puzzle were thrust into my new abode, a new location, a new way of life.  Now, I wasn’t overly enthused but what I did know was that I would not be the same!  This was a new experience and a new journey in life forced upon me.  I have never been one to shy away from a new experience or challenge but it somewhat felt overwhelming.  All eyes on me!   As the inner child prompted the outer woman to mesh together and become the being that she is destined to be.  This was full circle and these steps taken are part of my lessons along the way to create my destiny.   Now I profess I am in a new place and a new space so unfamiliar to me. 
Each and every day I would go to work and go through the motions to complete the task for the day and then return to my chu.  Basically a chu is my place of residence, my abode, my home to where I lay my soul every night to rest the mind within.  As my eyes wandered around the room I saw possessions clothes, shoes, books, knick knack and so forth.  It wasn’t messy but it was a lot a complete overload to the visual.  Each day I told myself that I would begin to break it down and purge...but each day turned into a night, week, and month but, Thank God a year.  Although my mind wanted me to break everything down out of boxes and bags my spirit wouldn’t allow me. 

As I continued to walk into the chu at the end of a long day I would look around and tell myself tomorrow Dawn, tomorrow.  And my mind would respond ok we will take care of this tomorrow.  Then I would lay my head down on my bed and wake up the next day and do the same thing. 
For some reason a spark happened and it was after the 30 day fast (Ramadan)…   It wasn’t sudden but it was those teeny tiny steps I began to refocused and get back on track to Dawnness!  If you know me it is meditation, visualization, speaking, reading and being.  In other words being who I am and what I was thrust upon this earth to be.

I will admit with all that I know and do for others it seems that the very things that I know works I was getting stuck in the abyss and really couldn’t see my way out of it.  But, my trusty inner voice told me to take one thing at a time.  To set a plan and focus on what you want to see.   If you want to see change you must be change!  And in retrospect it is not a matter of how fast or slow it is a matter of taking that tiny step to begin. 
Visually in my mind I already had everything done and I saw exactly how it is to be.  As I smiled from the inside out a transformation was beginning.  The things that I didn’t have time to do I slowly began to do them and it didn’t really add on to my time management.  I was still being where I needed to be and doing what I was to do. 

As I began to gain momentum I started to see the light within…
Each night I would come in and began to dump a bag here a piece of luggage there.  As I went through the motions of moving forward.    

One morning I listened to a re-play of an abundance speaker and one thing that stuck out was if your “home is cluttered with stuff then so is your mind”.  The speaker stated that to begin to gain your energy back and the chi to flow you must delete things out of your life.  Things that you have not worn or used for a year…so yes clothes, shoes, and other things became a part of the process.  It was very shocking that things that still had a tag on it were part of the Purge!  As I was going through my closet and my storage bin my mind wanted to make the excuses and say “Hey Dawn don’t you need that top you MIGHT be able to wear it”.  At first the ego said “Yeah Dawn you need that top don’t get rid of it keep it”!  My hand slowly began to pull it back and put it back onto the keep pile.  That is when the word “PURGE” was heard…Dawn you must purge to get to the next level to gain the peace and abundance that you so desire you must let go, you must release, and you must surrender.  WOW that inner voice was very loud and strong!!!  And I would respond ~ I know you‘re right inner voice!
We always feel that we are in charge of our lives when in fact we are not.  There comes a time when you look back at all of the scenes of your life and you wonder wow how did that happen and how did I correct that particular problem.  I know that there is a power that is so much bigger than life!   It is within and we are a part of the dynamics of it. For without us there would not be the energy that surrounds us. We are a part of the makeup of life; we are a part of nature, of the world, of the planet colliding with the universe.  With all of these words and thoughts popping in my head it gave me a reason to pull it all together and make those steps towards the inner dynamics of my life work.
I began to see if for what it was!   All of the things and the confusion was a shield that was cast around me.   It protected me and I felt comfortable.  I didn’t have to think about anything I knew how to maneuver within that space.  I automatically knew to open the door take 3 steps and you are here 5 more steps and you’re walking around this or that. 


I had surrounded myself with this armor of a false sense of possessions to include a cluttered mind.
What took time to attain vanished within a few moments of time.  It was the ability to see it for what it was.  To be able to take it all in, figure it out and see a change was the happiest part of the entire process.  And I will tell you that this process was not just a couple of days it extended well over a month.  And as wacky as it may sound the purging was not just physical stuff it was also internal as well.

That itself was a very hard part to endure!  The ego comes in and speaks very loudly but you just have to suppress it.  The ego convinced me that all was well in health and with my spirit but I now know that I was starving both of them. The regiments that I was on and the rituals that consumed me every day was no longer.  I wondered how I got to this point.  I was always regimented…I felt a sense of sadness come over me and I really felt like I was punishing my soul and not feeding my body with the nourishment that it needs on that particular level.  But what kept playing in my head was small steps make big changes, small steps makes big changes over and over again.
The “Dawn Moment” as I would like to say was when I looked at my chu and it was with less and it didn’t feel really heavy!   I could actually see the sunlight streaming through the window bouncing off the walls into a room full of light. 

From the small changes that I began to make it really didn’t take up a lot of my time it was a matter of organizing or “prioritization of my life” (thanks JM your amazing)!  It was the late night talking that lead to your comment and a door opening up within me (wink)! 
It was a conversation that sparked a movement within when I didn’t have strength to do it before.   I began to change my thoughts and then the strength began to come back.  Slowly, but surely things began to fall into place.   And the changes that were made on the physical and mental came together to make me whole again.

When you are living life and when you feel that it is too heavy to bear take a moment and sit back and a look around at what surrounds you.  To you it may be things and you may feel that you need them but those very things could be holding you back from what you are to do in life.  Things as we know them to be are very nice and good to look at. But, what I realized is that it is the experiences that I can write, speak and visually partake in.  Speaking, writing and the visual is what I can make as part of my legacy…That is what I can share with the people that I love!  These are the experiences that make up the stories of life.  For me “The Purge” is a chapter of my life that has been completed written and stored within my library that makes up Dawn. 
I cannot recall a time that I felt that I was walking along the longest and darkest tunnel with the light that shines so bright within.  Now I can write it and realize that the ego is a powerful source within.  It will tell you what it wants you to hear and somewhat alter your vision to see what it wants you to see. 

I’ve never been one to want to be like someone else or want what others had.  I’ve always been the Dawn that is happy to be Dawn.  Yes, we all want to make changes to and within ourselves.  But when you really think about it upon birth we are at out most perfect form of life.  We have not been tainted we are as pure as we are connecting with source!
As life moves forward and we tend to fall into the society norms.  Overall what we really need to do is when things start to get really heavy in our lives take an assessment, prioritize, review, relook and purge to a new you!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Within the rigors of work a friend (Hi Trevor) saw me and didn’t see me smiling which is what the world looks to see.  Of course a conversation ensued and he said “Oh you’re just Being Dawn”…
Needless to say HEY WORLD let’s start this journey in words…

Hmmm….what exactly does it mean Being Dawn?   Well many years ago I was conceived I guess that is when Being Dawn came about.  In the very early years I had no clue or conception as I was a Dawn in training.  I was the tiniest little sponge with eyes to visualize, a mouth to make sounds and ears to record the minuet parts of the world that I came to be a part of.  As I sit now in amazement I look at babies and I wonder exactly what are they thinking?  What do they see and hear.  I can see beyond the eyes (which by the way an unusual fact) that the size of your eyes upon birth is the same size that you have as an adult.  And that little fact amazes me.  So when I look into a child’s eyes it is the calmest experience because you are not sure what they are seeing but you just know that there is something going on as they are a living being soaking up the experience.   There are so many different directions that I can go in with this title and if you know me you know how my mind goes and how the words are formulate from above.  I don’t alter or adjust I embrace and rely on the power from above that is so massive (smile). 
As we know Dawn means Sunrise (wink) and to be honest that is me I’m not a late sleeper I get up early.  It has been said that the time that you are most comfortable with rising in the morning is the time that is closely associated with your birth time,  and for me that was early sans being named Dawn. When I was younger and in elementary I was the ONLY Dawn YAY!!!!  But then when I went  to high school gosh another Dawn and the way that they would refer to use was either “The Black Dawn” or “The White Dawn” really ummm… my last name is Gregory therefore making me Dawn Gregory no colors associated.  I don’t think that civil rights on all counts for humanity would have liked that at all.  Anyway, it happened, it existed, it was real and it didn’t affect who I was or am…I AM DAWN (sounds like a cool movie)

As a very young girl I always attracted attention and believe me I didn’t ask for it at all. I was happy being in Dawn’s World, Dawn’s skin and Dawn’s existence.  I was not one to be part of a group or to be in a clique I was always me no matter what. In the town that I lived in you have the type of people who had and the ones who society felt didn’t.  It was that stereotypical form of separation that we tend to still see today. To me I was one of the haves in my mind anyway. 
Society Haves~ They have a lot of money, can get whatever they want and they answer to no one.

Dawn’s Haves ~ Family is the most important aspect of your world.  They look out for you and you could tell them anything (well some of them lol).  You know that you would never starve or be without a place to stay.  They are Family they look out for you love you and help you create your world.

Society Have Not’s ~ They don’t have a lot of money, they can’t get whatever they want and they answer to everyone

Dawn’s Have Not’s ~ In my world there are no have not’s because everyone has the ability to use their minds, to pray, manifest, visualize and to essentially create a new story.   But, to society ~ me, mom and my 2 brothers were in this category
What was so very strange is that I never felt as if I didn’t have when I was younger.  You only begin to notice when you are integrated into another world like “school”!  Gosh it is when many different tribes come together to learn and intermingle amongst the beings.  One of my ways to escape was books and fashion magazines.    OMGosh I loved looking in them at clothes, shoes and I still do it til this day.  I LOVE FASHION, FABRIC and the ART thereof it is a part of my creativity!  So how does this relate well? Hmmm…let’s see part of being who we are is our identity and how people identify us correlates with segments or parts of ourselves that may stand out.  For me it was clothes and being that I was a so call “Have Not” I didn’t have the ability to just fly to Paris and pick out an outfit from Chanel.  I had to become creative to fulfill that part of me and that was learning how to sew (Thx Lorraine).  My aunt sewed and that was the best thing that ever happened to me (she gave me a set of wings) as it seemed that I had a gift of fashion, a way with fabric and could whip up something as quick as I turned the page of a magazine to look at it.  I remember vividly seeing a red suit in vogue and next thing you know I had some fabric and a pattern that I always altered to make it specific to me.  In school we had sewing as an elective so I took it and the first project was an apron, pillow or skirt.  Since I was advanced I picked a skirt and made a jacket too and I was put in an advanced class (smile).  Those were the good ol days!  Now, I still look at mags but I am in the sand with no sewing machine or fabric. But, in a land faraway I was able to find a muse in Bangkok that has awesome skills and I am forever grateful. 

Another aspect of Being Dawn was the verbal skills as in talking.  Man I use to get into trouble all the time.  I can remember my mom telling me to “Be quiet”.  I was so thinking gosh I have a brain and a mouth to speak but of course I never said it.  I wanted to talk all the time to show my family how much I knew about facts of the world and random stuff.  Some may say a “Miss Know It All” But, I like to say I am an Informative Being of the Universe (IBU).  Hey that sounds cool and I will surely use that in the future.    Gosh she would use hand signals, gestures and the ever so famous “Dawn Be Quiet” or “Shut up”!  Thank God I didn’t listen because that was truly a part of me that I didn’t control at all.  The ability to learn, gather, partition and assimilate things in my head is an art within itself. 
As am writing this I am asking myself so how will this strike a chord among the masses?  How can someone learn or relate to what I am writing about.  Well, I cannot answer that question but what I can say is that this piece was so much fun and quasi insane and brought back so many memories. 

What I have learned is that BEING DAWN is exactly that.  I cannot be anyone else but me that is what I know and have grown to love.  The Dawn that I know (well I guess I can tell you it is kind of a secret)…
She is funny, whimsical, a little girl in a grown-ups body, loves life, likes to talk, loves sports, loves clothes, loves traveling, loves being a vegetarian (a real one not fake, poser or wannabe) lol, hmmmm….how funny is that! 

Gosh I am smiling when I think of this because no matter what people think or say I will still be DAWN! 
So when you think about yourself and who you are as in BEING __________ (fill in your name) think about to whom you truly are and what you are emitting to the world.  Think about the person that you know and who shadows you 24/7.  Is that the person that the world knows or that only you know?  Because if the world doesn’t know they are probably missing out on a wonderful experience.

We tend to sequester ourselves to not want to stand up and be noticed or to cause a scene.  Just think causing a scene or being noticed is not a bad thing at all because we are individuals we are here to shine our light bright.  And I suggest if darkness is around the corner trying to catch up with you that you quickly hold up your lantern of life and push them or it away.
Life is such a wonderful experience and it is truly up to you to LIVE IT!  There are obstacles that are thrown in our path but it is up to you if you stumble or step over it.  Remember the mind is a powerful tool as it is used in so many ways (positive or negative).  How you perceive or live life is totally up to you whether you live with open or closed eyes!   I can say that I have down times and up times but I am doing my best to stay on the positive end of the spectrum! 

Because if “Being Dawn” is just being then when does the living begin?   When does life take shape and who decides?   Well the voice in my head (No, I’m not crazy it’s from above silly) says I do so ~ Let Life Begin!!!
Don’t stand on the sideline in LIFE ~ PARTICIPATE ~ EMBRACE & LIVE!  Only you know how to do it for you.  I can’t live your life or subject you to my idea of living!  What I can do is give you Positive Thoughts, Words and Actions to push you forward to what you want it to be ~ That is my gift to you as…BEING DAWN!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Looking Back To Where It All Began...My Life Abroad Many Miles Traveled To Finding Dawn

I can replay the very first day that I arrived here to a so call war zone country as the plane touched down I wondered if I was making the biggest mistake of my life... I missed my son and the town in which I resided but what was oh so different was that My Hometown (thx Bruce Springsteen) was as if  I was looking in the rearview mirror....long gone!  That was yesterday and I can never get it back no matter how hard I tried! As my eyes welled up with the waves of the ocean my heart felt like it was taken from my body and given to my son to keep until I returned back to him!

In a decision that we both made together this journey of what I thought was to give him a future was actually to also put the pieces of Dawn back together again. And believe me that was a never ending puzzle still not completed til this day!  It is the many pieces in various shapes, sizes and hues that are typically to create the wonderment of life!  How is it that you are living a life that you actually think you’re in control of?  It is what you are seeing that is the misconception of what your life is supposed to be!  It is the variations of life that will predict your steps therefore resulting in either wearing the same shoes or getting new ones to move within a different direction!

The hardest decision I had to make was to put on those new shoes and walk in a different light and correct the unstable steps that I was taking.   Moving forward with a different stride with all of the regalia and standing tall (I am a Queen ~ JM)! How did I know that at the very second that I arrived that I would be thrust into a venomous pit of destruction! I had no way of knowing but, what I did have was my son’s presence within my eyes and my heavenly father’s hand to guide me as I do today.
So what constitutes a long time
Is it by

From where these words lies within my mind I know that singularly they have affected my world in ways that I would not have even envisioned within my life. Each and every day of my existence I always think of my son and how he came to be.  In the tiny spec of life he took a 9 month journey from a foreign land and entered into a world that was to be a part of his experience! Children can teach you so much in life and in times when I feel I can't go on I tend to think about those days when he would make me laugh or assure me that things will be ok (love u Khi)!  It is that bond of trust, understanding and unconditional love that I will carry with me for many lifetimes! The gift of a presence that was molded into LIFE!!

So as I look back to the rearview mirror that had shaped my path, my journey and destiny...somewhere along the path there was an alternate route that was created!   A change in direction, a quick step to the left or right that changed my whole world!

What I didn't understand is the world that was in the rearview seemed to be wonderful!   It seemed to work!   It seemed to be everything that a part of my mind wanted to happen! It was a dream that came to be for a short amount of time to get me to the next phase of my journey!

How did I know that everything would be altered!   How could I prepare for what was once a fairytale life that suddenly turned into a mode of survival! It was a reenactment of a segment that I saw when I was a much younger girl that had not a care in the world except ~ Being Dawn.  It was a time of shyness a time of discovery a time of trusting and a time of growth! With all of those words within my heads and the clarity of my eyes to see I began to create the very different parts of me....somewhat of an actress.  I began to create and hone the many layers of Dawn. As I began to get older I realized that the many layers were slowly being peeled away to expose a beautiful being that is able to express, expose and write about life in a simple word "dawnology".  So looking back propelled me into creating a new experience!

And with the newness that washes over me I became A New Dawn!

The rearview that has been enhanced to alter for the present! No baggage, No experiences, No past. For that has been shelved within the library of Dawn…deep, deep, deep on the shelves within my soul! But, just in case I still have my library card as I may need to check out a previous experience.  But now that I think about it I don't want to re-energize the past no need to repeat it or look back as I have said "I am looking at 2013 with new eyes" (Hey Jason)

So when you think of  looking back to where it all began...
Look at it as a stepping stone along your journey of  life
A propelling point to your beginning
Looking back doesn't mean to carry it forward
It means to acknowledge what you did experience and gone through! I'm not asking you to not acknowledge but I am asking you NOT to DWELL ON IT!!

It Is
Past vs. Present
Present vs. Past

It is the ability to partition segments of your life the good and not so good
It is the means of saying you know maybe my childhood wasn't perfect but look at where I am today! And to think what is perfect because we all have flaws....
No one is the same as well as the experiences of life…

Our parents raised us to the best of their ability to what they saw fit for us and what they learned from their parents and surroundings which created there past! It is an evolutional circle of evolving. It is the masses that try to fit within the same shapes and molds for life! It is a visionary journey with eyes wide shut only to be opened upon your emergence into the world!

When will you decide to move forward
To express
To live
To embrace
To Love

To actually stand in the mirror and say to the person that stands before you ~ Life has been such a sequel of events but I am happy to have experienced the many facets of ___________ (fill in your name)! I am happy, comfortable and excited about who I am! My past is the past but my present is NOW and I am ready to live! I am ready to be all that I am destined to be.

Once you can look at yourself within the mirror face to face, eye to eye then you are ready to take the most crucial steps of life and that is being true to yourself (Hey Marshe) which will promote change! We did not come here to be stagnant!   We are like the water within an ocean swirling and existing in a vast pool of earth spilling over into our universe! When will you dip yourself in it and explore the wonders of who you really are! It takes a tiny gesture a small thought a wanting a desire...

Challenge yourself to being the most awesome being ever!  The most original… The never to be a duplicated being!

Because when it comes time for you to rest until the next phase of your existence and the speech is being spoken just think of how you want your story and/or movie to reach the masses...
I know that mine is going to be the coolest (wink)...

What about yours???

Friday, April 19, 2013


We always seem to associate the word resurrection to spiritual beliefs a miraculous feat of the dead rising back to life.  As the story is told it is a wonderful thing to be able to see, feel and experience that.
Every Easter it is a known day of meaning, thoughts, topics etc.  We can look at this on the sense of the biblical aspect but for me I look at it as a word that has impacted my existing life as I walk and breathe today…tomorrow…forever…until eternity.
Death doesn’t necessarily have to be the complete ending...as I believe the soul continues to exist.  But death can be seen in many ways as in
~ Ending of ~
There are so many endings that we experience in life as the list can go on and on.   I am sure that we all have experienced something that takes our mind to space of the life is being sucked out of you and you feeling as if you have died.  That there was absolutely no hope of it ever existing again.  It is with that mindset that I know that you can reflect and see that yes I have experienced so many deaths in my life yet I still continue to live.
Some of you may be saying what in the world or should I say universe is she talking about.  Well let me give you an example of a “Death” for me….
Being married was typically another form of life that was breathed into me.  It took me to take another phase in my life to shape and mold newness that I have never experienced before.  You begin to formulate your place in the relationship, keeping in mind that the man is the lead.  The masculine entity to guide and direct the family to greatness no matter what that may be to you (Guys how’s that wink)!   Yes I am a woman and I said that lol! 
So you make plans and you want the dream that is depicted to us and embedded in our brains from day 1.   A house with a picket fence, car, 1.5 children and a dog oh yeah and how can I forget a JOB!  You go off to college and come back and the family say hmm…..it’s about time you get married!  Well unfortunately I don’t have anyone in my life right now but I guess I can get married.  So there goes the timestamp…Keep in mind ladies they keep saying that 30 is kind of like over the hill as the tribe keeps reminding you over and over again.  You begin to feel like damn I better get all of this done before I expire (You’re getting old OMGosh another form of death).  You do the best you can to work and try to get out there to meet someone that you think is suitable for this to become a reality.  But what if the tribe begins to give you suggestions “Oh have you seen____ OMG he has turned out to be really handsome”.  I saw _____ mother today and she said that he was available.  How in the world do you get to that part of the conversation while standing in the grocery store looking at fruit hahahahaha (never figured that one out)!  I have no idea but I know one thing that I would never ever subject my child to that as it is totally uncalled for and embarrassing as hell!  Keep in mind in other countries that is called an arranged marriage which you have no say so at all.  You come home one day and two tribes are there discussing the finer points of the transaction and next thing you know you have to pack and move in with a person you don’t even know.  Need I say more?
Ok yeah back to the story...
So you meet someone and you begin to share experiences to get to know each other within yourselves and your tribes.  There is so much to do in such a short amount of time a date has to be agreed upon and that is when the tribes begin to make demands.  It is bad enough that you have to pull this spectacular event together but now we have demands in seating, food, alcohol, music, clothing colors and choices and people who are just barred from coming at all.  Talk about added pressure.  Once everything is orchestrated and the day comes it is show time.  Words are exchanged and next thing you know your name has changed.   Ever second, minute, hour, day, month, and year you are building, growing and learning and building your legacy as 2 individuals have collided into 1.  Then somehow life gets in the way and things change for whatever reason.  Sometimes it slaps you right in the face or other times it creeps up on you like a thief in the night.   Either way it is that train that is barreling down the track towards the light at the end of the tunnel and you cannot stop it… The only thing that you can do is brace yourself for impact and hope that no one gets hurt in the process.  And then wham life as we knew it no longer exists…the dynamics changes rapidly.  To some tribe member either party is considered as dead just disappearing from their lives as a whole.  In an unrealistic mind it has something to do with being from one tribe and not being able to continue the relationship even though things have changed.   And believe you me tribe members, friends and acquaintances can and will turn on you like a pack of wild dogs.  I’ve never understood that and til this day I never will.  You all have invested many years of experiences with one another and all of a sudden you don’t exist you’re dead.  That to me is very small minded and very selfish.  Because, at a time when either party needs you most you turn your back on them with absolutely no remorse. I guess you have never heard of  the word KARMA!   The same ones that were smiling in your face are the ones that will put a knife in your back.  And guess what it is not your fault, you haven’t changed.  What has changed is the dynamics, the world, the universe and your soul that has grown into the need of belonging is ever more not present. 
We as humans are so selfish and one-sided in our thought process.  When was the last time that you have stepped out of your shoes and put on someone else’s?  For some it may have been NEVER and I suggest you try it out one day as your eyes will be opened.  Can you ever look at another and truly believe in your heart and soul that you understand what they are dealing with?  If you can then you are one of the elite the very few that has compassion.  Compassion is not something that you learn, it is something that is instilled in you at birth….It is the rushing of feelings that allows you to feel that persons soul and know what they are dealing with in life.  It is the silent whisper that says I am here and I will never leave you ever.  A compassionate mind, leads to compassionate thoughts which transcends into a compassionate vision of hope in the world we live in! ~ Dawn
You may be wondering how this all ties in!  Well….
For myself I have experienced a lot of physical deaths which is forever within my lives.  But it is the silent deaths that no one can visually see but only you can feel which essentially will consume your soul.  It is everything that has existed in your life being ripped away and disgarded as if it never really ever existed at all.  It is the steps that you have taken that are erased as you begin to take the next step with no path to create or follow.  It is the history that you have created being wiped away from you book of life.  It is a brain wipe a reconfiguring of your mind, thoughts, actions transcending to a new tone of voice.  A new way of existing a new life to live. 
As we know death to be in our world I ask that you don’t think of it as just a physical that you also think of it as a mental form of distinction!  There are many ways to accept any form of death but with that said are you strong enough as the story to be born again to rise to be renewed.  Our higher power gave his all so that we can have everlasting life.  Whether you believe or not that is up to you but be sure and know that there is something bigger than us!  Just as we exist so does others in this microscopic life that we live.  Technically we are only a tiny particle in a vast universe. 
As you walk your path of the cookie cutter life that you may have decided that you want to live know that there is something far greater than what you have and see.  A practice that I like to use is where I close my eyes and I begin to walk (using my mind to take me on my journey) or sit in a never ending space of silence.  The only thing that I see is darkness without limits there are no boundaries just ongoing.  So why can’t I live like that?   It is a stillness that is comforting nothing being distorted or tainted!  It is a peace that I have never ever felt before in this stage of my life until I began to incorporate this into my existence.  What you will do is concentrate on your breathing and the silence and peace will take over.  A form of meditation but in accordance to Dawn’s needs and this is what works for me but may not work for you.  But, I will say that a mere 5 minutes of meditation will change your world. 
Know that in our universe which is comprised of many worlds that there has to be a power, a source a energy that we can draw from to push us to the next realm. 
I have never ever thought about it this way as a phrase could be “I have died a million deaths” or “ a cat has nine lives”…I will tell you this each death that I have experienced I have also had a rebirth again just as the sun rises.  Did I know that I would at that time NO!  I thought that my life was over and in a sense yes it was. But, what they don’t tell you is that a new cycle, phase, existence begins..
A “BRAND NEW DAY” as I like to say A NEW DAWN (wink) which will be shown upon you but, you have to have belief not just in a powerful source but in yourself.  Hey you have alot to experience and so much resilience in life when are you going to tap into that energy?
When are you going to say maybe it didn’t work but guess what I have risen like the phoenix out of the fire (thx KP2).  That it is this death of nonexistence in which I have suffered which has given me time to be reborn.  It truly makes me smile to look back in the void of darkness and know that the lantern that was placed for me to pick up on my trail of life sat there and waited for me.  The light was never extinguished it just shined brightly hoping that the tiny hand of faith would bring us together.
WOW!!!  That is such a powerful play on words…the nonexistent physical light that called out to my inner voice has now been found by my soul.
And that is where the story essentially began