Saturday, September 20, 2014


There was a time that we seemed to be in touch or in tuned with our being as in the connection between Body, Soul, Spirit, Earth and Universe.  In the past there was a lot more emphasis on the person as a whole opposed to the fragmented thinking that is thrust before us today.  The stimulus that is present is coming to us in warp speeds!  Yes, we are knowingly wanting to evolve as people but why is bigger, faster and essentially to the extreme deems to be the common denominator towards existing and living?  Is that considered as better and for whom?  And who decides that?  Is that the answer to world peace or could it be an understanding of self?

Or is that the…




The Master Plan

Is that the darkness that allows the light to elude some and for the ones that are light filled they are considered unusual.  Hmmm…that is something that I have heard many times in my life.  In this day and age we live in a world that is filled with anger, pain, hurt; devastation, division, war, and crime….and the list can go on and on because that is what we are shown.  Just think is this the reason why we were born?  Is that to be known as a part of our birthright of being a being on this earth?

When we were born we were as they say at our highest state of being, filled with light the untainted source of LIFE and ENERGY.  A source placed here to partake in the experience, the journey.

But, somewhere along the ways of enlightenment has the light disappeared or is it considered as a part of an ancient mythological story or a fairytale? 

Hmmm, it makes me wonder…

When does the light shine bright allowing the happiness to come in? 

Presently the programming has you looking outside for a form of happiness.     This creates the instantaneous form of happiness via retail, ego or other stimuli, a need, a want, a desire.  When did all of that supersede the inner happiness that lives inside and in truly knowing who you are?  I’m sure that you can replay it within the movie inside of your mind.  It is a sense of happiness we knew as a child before our eyes were closed to your inner knowing!

All of this technology that we thrust upon us is that a way to divert your thoughts?   For if it was not for technology where would we be?  Some may say “I can’t live without it” as others like me would shake our head and ponder why? 

Hmmm let me think…

As I remember very well we would be in a creative sense of being and knowing doing research learning how to create, build and exist.  Presently as some may think that we are in a growing time for what the powers that be want us to see.

But the question is ~ Are we growing?

Are we living in a time where we are blindfolded cutting us off from our true nature of being?  Is our existence coinciding with our experience? Because technically if we are blindfolded our only resource would be our senses.  But if you have not taken the time to build them up how can you live and cope with the ways of the world?  How do you activate or should I say re-active the spiritual part of you that shines from within? 

The time is now for you to realize what is important to you, how you want to see, live and be in your life! 

We are living in a controlled environment and if you don’t believe it then your eyes are blinded.

Your Freedom is Your Happiness Which Lives Within

We are told that the world is in chaos by what we watch and see but what if we changed our actions, practices and thoughts. If we go out and engage with mother earth as we did as kids outside running and playing until the street lights came on at night.  What if we grew our own foods and nurtured them as our great grandparents and our grandparents instead of eating processed foods.  Wouldn’t it be nice if instead of teaching children only what they needed to pass the standardized testing that they went back to Home Economics and the simplistic forms of learning to allow you to learn resulting in excellence!  Wouldn’t it be nice if art and music was again brought back into the school systems? 

What if we all took time out to change our thoughts, words and energy?  We keep hearing the emphasis on “Change your thoughts Change your life” don’t we?  Is this part of the master plan, a gimmick...Absolutely not it isn’t.    But some may say that it is!   How would you know if you don’t try?  Let’s start at the most simplistic form if you find yourself speaking negative…now speak positive as some would say check yourself!   What a concept how can speaking positive actually change your life.  Well I can’t speak for the masses but for myself it gave me a clearer and brighter world to embrace.  And when I say world I am talking about my body, my temple the house that houses my soul.  It opened my eyes to a totally different world, it made me reflect but not to judge.  It gave me a reason to share with others as I am doing with you because it truly will make a difference in how you see life, your life and life as a whole. 

Some may think that one person cannot make a difference but they can it only takes one person to have a thought and as crazy as it may sound and to act on it.  Everyone that society has deemed crazy has been inventors, artist, mathematicians, etc… And I my inner child let me know that I am so very different and unique.

These are the dreamers that believed in their existence to create a new reality.  Some may say that I am unusual and I agree I am because at this time in my life I am looking and working from within.  I am taking my dreams and visions and what is coming to me and letting it soak into my inner being. And I will admit there is a change, there is a knowing or a desire to learn, to read, to pass on and to get it out there.  It is a surge of energy that is felt from Dawn to Dusk, Sunrise to Sunset…Ying to Yang.  It is a power that I have never felt before but I embrace and protect with all that I am.


Who knows what may happen if we all can change our thoughts to positive ones?

What do you think will happen?

How will that change your world?

How will it change our world?

Because to be honest right now…

What is taking place is not to benefit us as a being of light.

It is not feeding your soul.

There is so much out there within the world that has been lost in so many ways.

What you see you will emulate that is a known fact!   It will creep into your existence and becomes a part of your world.

And with that said anything that you do for 21 days will become a habit!

Monitor your next 21 days

Monitor your thoughts

Monitor your soul

Monitor your feelings

To create A NEW WORLD!

There has to be the ability or the wanting to change to make a difference…


Take that first step and create your LIFE of TRUTH and of PURPOSE!