Saturday, September 7, 2013


Within the rigors of work a friend (Hi Trevor) saw me and didn’t see me smiling which is what the world looks to see.  Of course a conversation ensued and he said “Oh you’re just Being Dawn”…
Needless to say HEY WORLD let’s start this journey in words…

Hmmm….what exactly does it mean Being Dawn?   Well many years ago I was conceived I guess that is when Being Dawn came about.  In the very early years I had no clue or conception as I was a Dawn in training.  I was the tiniest little sponge with eyes to visualize, a mouth to make sounds and ears to record the minuet parts of the world that I came to be a part of.  As I sit now in amazement I look at babies and I wonder exactly what are they thinking?  What do they see and hear.  I can see beyond the eyes (which by the way an unusual fact) that the size of your eyes upon birth is the same size that you have as an adult.  And that little fact amazes me.  So when I look into a child’s eyes it is the calmest experience because you are not sure what they are seeing but you just know that there is something going on as they are a living being soaking up the experience.   There are so many different directions that I can go in with this title and if you know me you know how my mind goes and how the words are formulate from above.  I don’t alter or adjust I embrace and rely on the power from above that is so massive (smile). 
As we know Dawn means Sunrise (wink) and to be honest that is me I’m not a late sleeper I get up early.  It has been said that the time that you are most comfortable with rising in the morning is the time that is closely associated with your birth time,  and for me that was early sans being named Dawn. When I was younger and in elementary I was the ONLY Dawn YAY!!!!  But then when I went  to high school gosh another Dawn and the way that they would refer to use was either “The Black Dawn” or “The White Dawn” really ummm… my last name is Gregory therefore making me Dawn Gregory no colors associated.  I don’t think that civil rights on all counts for humanity would have liked that at all.  Anyway, it happened, it existed, it was real and it didn’t affect who I was or am…I AM DAWN (sounds like a cool movie)

As a very young girl I always attracted attention and believe me I didn’t ask for it at all. I was happy being in Dawn’s World, Dawn’s skin and Dawn’s existence.  I was not one to be part of a group or to be in a clique I was always me no matter what. In the town that I lived in you have the type of people who had and the ones who society felt didn’t.  It was that stereotypical form of separation that we tend to still see today. To me I was one of the haves in my mind anyway. 
Society Haves~ They have a lot of money, can get whatever they want and they answer to no one.

Dawn’s Haves ~ Family is the most important aspect of your world.  They look out for you and you could tell them anything (well some of them lol).  You know that you would never starve or be without a place to stay.  They are Family they look out for you love you and help you create your world.

Society Have Not’s ~ They don’t have a lot of money, they can’t get whatever they want and they answer to everyone

Dawn’s Have Not’s ~ In my world there are no have not’s because everyone has the ability to use their minds, to pray, manifest, visualize and to essentially create a new story.   But, to society ~ me, mom and my 2 brothers were in this category
What was so very strange is that I never felt as if I didn’t have when I was younger.  You only begin to notice when you are integrated into another world like “school”!  Gosh it is when many different tribes come together to learn and intermingle amongst the beings.  One of my ways to escape was books and fashion magazines.    OMGosh I loved looking in them at clothes, shoes and I still do it til this day.  I LOVE FASHION, FABRIC and the ART thereof it is a part of my creativity!  So how does this relate well? Hmmm…let’s see part of being who we are is our identity and how people identify us correlates with segments or parts of ourselves that may stand out.  For me it was clothes and being that I was a so call “Have Not” I didn’t have the ability to just fly to Paris and pick out an outfit from Chanel.  I had to become creative to fulfill that part of me and that was learning how to sew (Thx Lorraine).  My aunt sewed and that was the best thing that ever happened to me (she gave me a set of wings) as it seemed that I had a gift of fashion, a way with fabric and could whip up something as quick as I turned the page of a magazine to look at it.  I remember vividly seeing a red suit in vogue and next thing you know I had some fabric and a pattern that I always altered to make it specific to me.  In school we had sewing as an elective so I took it and the first project was an apron, pillow or skirt.  Since I was advanced I picked a skirt and made a jacket too and I was put in an advanced class (smile).  Those were the good ol days!  Now, I still look at mags but I am in the sand with no sewing machine or fabric. But, in a land faraway I was able to find a muse in Bangkok that has awesome skills and I am forever grateful. 

Another aspect of Being Dawn was the verbal skills as in talking.  Man I use to get into trouble all the time.  I can remember my mom telling me to “Be quiet”.  I was so thinking gosh I have a brain and a mouth to speak but of course I never said it.  I wanted to talk all the time to show my family how much I knew about facts of the world and random stuff.  Some may say a “Miss Know It All” But, I like to say I am an Informative Being of the Universe (IBU).  Hey that sounds cool and I will surely use that in the future.    Gosh she would use hand signals, gestures and the ever so famous “Dawn Be Quiet” or “Shut up”!  Thank God I didn’t listen because that was truly a part of me that I didn’t control at all.  The ability to learn, gather, partition and assimilate things in my head is an art within itself. 
As am writing this I am asking myself so how will this strike a chord among the masses?  How can someone learn or relate to what I am writing about.  Well, I cannot answer that question but what I can say is that this piece was so much fun and quasi insane and brought back so many memories. 

What I have learned is that BEING DAWN is exactly that.  I cannot be anyone else but me that is what I know and have grown to love.  The Dawn that I know (well I guess I can tell you it is kind of a secret)…
She is funny, whimsical, a little girl in a grown-ups body, loves life, likes to talk, loves sports, loves clothes, loves traveling, loves being a vegetarian (a real one not fake, poser or wannabe) lol, hmmmm….how funny is that! 

Gosh I am smiling when I think of this because no matter what people think or say I will still be DAWN! 
So when you think about yourself and who you are as in BEING __________ (fill in your name) think about to whom you truly are and what you are emitting to the world.  Think about the person that you know and who shadows you 24/7.  Is that the person that the world knows or that only you know?  Because if the world doesn’t know they are probably missing out on a wonderful experience.

We tend to sequester ourselves to not want to stand up and be noticed or to cause a scene.  Just think causing a scene or being noticed is not a bad thing at all because we are individuals we are here to shine our light bright.  And I suggest if darkness is around the corner trying to catch up with you that you quickly hold up your lantern of life and push them or it away.
Life is such a wonderful experience and it is truly up to you to LIVE IT!  There are obstacles that are thrown in our path but it is up to you if you stumble or step over it.  Remember the mind is a powerful tool as it is used in so many ways (positive or negative).  How you perceive or live life is totally up to you whether you live with open or closed eyes!   I can say that I have down times and up times but I am doing my best to stay on the positive end of the spectrum! 

Because if “Being Dawn” is just being then when does the living begin?   When does life take shape and who decides?   Well the voice in my head (No, I’m not crazy it’s from above silly) says I do so ~ Let Life Begin!!!
Don’t stand on the sideline in LIFE ~ PARTICIPATE ~ EMBRACE & LIVE!  Only you know how to do it for you.  I can’t live your life or subject you to my idea of living!  What I can do is give you Positive Thoughts, Words and Actions to push you forward to what you want it to be ~ That is my gift to you as…BEING DAWN!