Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Year Of 7 ~ 2014

What exactly is Dawn talking about hmm...? It’s all about Numerology!   Some are inclined to say that it opens up your whole world which is connected to the Universe.  We as humans tend to have a quasi belief in either it is truth or fiction.  But, as in all things it is determined by yourself and what your beliefs are in life.  So, let’s begin this journey.  I have always been intrigued with words but numbers are surely a part of the equation as well. Numbers are very essential in our daily lives as we have so many references that are broken down in a numerical form.  So what exactly does this mean for you for the year of 2014 and what makes it a 7 year?  Basically it is by adding 2+0+1+4.  Typically the number 7 corresponds on a spiritual, intelligent, analytical, focused, introspective, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, serious, refined, and gracious and having inner wisdom level.  To me that is totally amazing and so exciting whereas I plan on embracing this upcoming year in the most phenomenal way! 
 As I began to think of the days that leads us to the New Year this particular topic came to mind which lead to research and finding out some interesting paths to go on.   There have been so many things of interest that has been shown to me from over a period of time.  I have chosen to go within on a lot of these subjects and also have secluded myself from many of the aspects of life to address the calling that has been set before me.   Would I ever think that I would be writing and spreading a lot of the information that comes to me?  Well the answer would be “No” but what I have come to know is that the messages that I receive are real.  Each message that I have received are messages not just for me but for you as well as we are connected as one.  Each and every word comes from a source that is so much greater than I am and comes to me for a reason.  And with that reason knowledge and growth appears.  Although, I knew from a very young age that I had many gifts (Thx Nanny for believing in me ~ wink) I didn’t know how to cultivate them because the earthly life got in the way.  A change began in 2009 it began the low period of illness and the uncertainty of darkness and pain within….technically the unknown and the unfamiliar.  2010-2011 I was trying to quiet the voices that were within, the chatter, the noise to separate what was to be heard.  But, what I didn’t know was I was supposed to hear it all, but why?  2012 was the year of discovery the compartmentalization of my life, my brain, the chatter that consumed me.  So hence my soul sent me on a mission of writing down the words to empty my mind.  2013 I kicked fear out of my spirit and silenced the mind through meditation and talks with my intuitive friend for life (Hi Peri) and began to empty out the closets of my mind to make way for clarity, guidance and direction.  It awakened my inner child and welcomed her back into my life to frolic and play within my soul.  The youthfulness consumed my mind, body, soul and spirit and no matter what I felt like the 5 year old Dawn new and revived.  I was slowly being guided to make changes.  Now, with the changes that I made it ignited people to make judgments as to attacking my character, stating that “I Am Changing”.  My answer to you is “YES” I am changing but isn’t that’s what we are to do within our human experience?  Aren’t we supposed to grow, to experience, and to change therefore implementing it into our lives?   Instead of me hanging out (which I never do anyway) my time was in meditation, reading, writing and pursuing my dream of being an author.  I had no choice as that was what I was guided to do.  So what’s so wrong with that?   And why would you reference my change in a negative connotation?  I cannot live your life or tell you what or how to be.  But, one thing for sure no matter what you say, or do you will never be me!  There is only one Original named Dawn Gregory (from birth) and that is who I AM! What I was given at birth (MY PURPOSE) was just for me to cultivate, to embrace, to endure, to pursue, to walk along the path of Dawn. 
Hey I will admit I am in awe of the transformation myself when I think back.  My memory is very sharp and I have visualizations that are so vivid.  I can tell you this in my lowest times within the void of my life I never gave up although I wanted to!  It didn’t matter whatever was or has been put before me to endure I stayed true to the higher power and myself.  And during those times I had many labels (negativity) thrust upon me and yes it hurt but now I can smile.  I may have felt like I wanted to say ok I can’t do this but the higher power just comes over me and looks me in the eyes and says take one step at a time with a clear mind and you can do this!   The ironic part in life is that no one will or can determine your story without you telling them. It is not like you come with a book attached to your life where we can go to the Library of the Universe to check it out.  That would be so cool but it would be too easy and would not allow us to have a human experience in knowing, sharing or relating to another. 
Each and every one of us has a story, we have a Past, and we have a Present and a Future (PPF)!  So my question to you is you have lived the past and your present which is very familiar to you.  Now what about your FUTURE?  Two Thousand Fourteen is knocking at your door right now!  How will you address that knock?  Will you bury your head deep in the sand, will you try to stall it, and will you act as if it is nonexistent?  Or will you welcome it with open arms?  Will you open the door with a big smile on your face, standing tall and say Hello 2014 welcome into my home I have been waiting for you to arrive!  Now when I reference “home” I am talking about your being, your mind, body, spirit and soul the entire YOU!  I am talking about you embracing who you are 100% and be willing and desiring the acceptance of changes at this very point in your life. 

It is the knowing that will always catapult you above the clouds taking you to heights that are beyond your imagination.  If you are like me and have been living your life day to day, month to month, year to year…What is your dream, desire or wish that burns deep within?  If you have taken action then you are ahead of the game but if not then…What are you are waiting for?  We all have a purpose in life and isn’t it about time that you answer your calling in accordance to what your soul calls you to do?  I was on Face book News Feed ~ 11:11 Awakening Code and I read the following: “Your purpose is not what you do to bring home a paycheck.  Your purpose is what you were put on earth to do with such intensity and passion that it becomes a spiritual calling.”   WOW!!!  Totally a new mantra for me and I do mean a daily mantra! 
Mantra ~ (Holy Word in Meditation) In Hindu & Buddhist religious practice, a sacred word, chant, or sound that is repeated during meditation to facilitate spiritual power and transformation of consciousness ~ (Often Repeated Expression or Idea) An expression or idea that is repeated without thinking about it, and closely associated with something (Thank you Encarta Dictionary)

So I have introduced you to another form or a way of expanding your life as a whole.  It is not about being Hindu or Buddhist it is about enhancing your life to be all that you can and be focused on birthing your purpose.  Always remember that religion began with one and because of man many different facets were formed.  But simply put we are all of one power, one being.  No one’s religion is right or wrong it is about believing in a higher power and knowing that it does exist no matter what.  (But that is my personal opinion – wink)

Right now I am still amazed that while I was writing this I was guided to open up FB and this was the first posting that I viewed so it just seemed like a sign to me, a calling, an affirmation and mantra for 2014…transcending my life to the next level! 

~ Please know that I am not just talking to you but I am talking with you as I ask ~

2014 ~ What will it bring for your life?

Will you make a resolution?

Will you promise yourself to fulfill that resolution for the entire year?

Or are you already looking to fail before you even start?

Will you answer the call from within and begin to LIVE your PURPOSE?

As it is solely up to you?

I know what my 2014 is looking like…How about you?

It’s time to make 2014 a year of:






Act on your PURPOSE and LISTEN to you Inner Voice….

And make the decision to CHANGE



Monday, December 23, 2013

The Meaning Of...

As the holiday season is upon us it gives me an extra feeling of a peace within.  With all of the turmoil that faces us around the world we still should feel a sense of belonging.  Holidays are the times when people come together and share, love and just be.  I often wonder why it is only this time of the year when people tend to go above and beyond to show compassion or a sense of giving.   Why do we as a society decide to concentrate on the spending of money rather than time?  For gifts of material items rather than gifts and meaning of life.  For the many things that we tend to gravitate to that is so commercialized and not benefitting us as a society.  It is the many faces of the world that follows traditional tendencies when they can’t even embrace each other.

These are the types of examples that make up the many scenarios and segments of our lives.   What is the difference between celebrating Christmas in another country opposed to spending it in the United States?
The many, many miles that separate me from the states I still actually see trees and ornaments, chocolate Santa’s and Reindeer’s.   There are Christmas stockings and hats fake snow in a can but for what purpose?   It is solely for the commercial aspect?   Or is it to make us feel as if we are home?  All of these so call customary gestures that are being extended to us is reminding me of the song ”It’s Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas” ~ Ok well maybe a tropical Christmas with palm trees, sand and water.  Hey I am not complaining at all!   I look at it as being very unique just like me (smile)!

I never understood why one month out of the year it brings the most amazing sense of giving no matter on what level.  It is as if everyone stores up a level of caring until December.   And for the entire month of December our cups runneth over in so many ways.    But wouldn’t it be so much better if we could give that energy throughout the year?  And I am not just talking about monetarily but in the actual action the caring for one another as in mankind.   We all have grown up in a society where there are classes Upper, Middle, Lower.  I am not sure who came up with this but we all know that is how it is.  But from what I know is that there isn’t any ranking or classes.  There is no superiority or lower class the only class is “The Human Race” that is it.  
So where do we go from here?   How do we move forward and try to uplift instead of letting people know that they are less fortunate.  How do we look within ourselves to say YES we noticed that you may not have what I have but my eyes are open and I am here to assist you in making a better life?  I am here to give you the tools that I used for me to grow as I am ready to plant a seed within your mind to uplift your life.  There are so many different types of gifts that we can focus on besides money.  We can give a gift of self where we can incorporate meditation into our lives to quiet our minds to hear from within.  We can give the gift of encouragement, the gift of smiles, of happiness, of love.  There are so many things that we can give.  For me my gifts that I give back to the world aren’t necessarily to be only given on Christmas or during the holiday season but throughout the year.  As I work on knowing who Dawn is I tend to go beyond my thoughts and actions in learning in some of the unusual methods by attending the College of the Universe.  That in itself makes me smile because for me that is limitless there is never a degree that I have to be associated with but overall each step that I take I know that it is taking me to the next level of greatness.  And when I mention greatness that is within me towards my legacy, my own personal, truly what I desire to satisfy… an urge of knowledge.  I have learned so much and in no way am I an expert but I go outside of the box, I go to the next level!  I follow my inner voice that guides me to the next lesson or class that I am to take and I embrace it to the upmost.  I have always had a love for learning and that will never go away because for me that is life… like the air I breathe everyday to exist. 
But what excites me even more is the giving back of what I have learned and the aspect of sharing.  Yes to some it maybe weird or unconventional but it works for me.   It is something that I have pushed myself to do to not be confined in a box.  I think for me I have always been a nonconformist in so many ways by asking questions all the time you know “The Why’s” lol.  To be honest The Why’s got me to where I am today!  To the most amazing place within that I know so well which that makes me who I am. 
So hmmmm….

I pondered what exactly would be my gifts that I would give to the world this year?   Well I have my ability to learn and try out so many different practices that leads me in so many different directions?  (I think that is very interesting)   Now that I am thinking it would be in a form of re-gifting what I have learned, applied and giving back to the world is “The Gift That Keeps On Giving”! 
So on this holiday season I will give the gift of life, hope, happiness and love.  I will continue to share my gift of words that I share on my blog that is truly a very essential part of my existence.  Words have always been a part of my life and it has comforted me at night in times of turmoil and in time of happiness and love.  It is the gift from above that was given to me that I hold so very dearly that I am able to give back.  I have been gathering up my gifts along the way from the very moment of my existence and these are the gifts that I will be sharing from this moment forward.   So this holiday season I am wishing you all to live a life of POSITIVITY!!!!  A life that we long to have but never stepped onto that invisible step of life to see if it will hold us up.  Stepping out on faith, on a sense of knowing on the existence of who we are and what we are here to experience.  The miraculous feeling of this time of the year is magically filled with lights, warmth and comforting conversation.

My Gift is my knowledge that has been wrapped up for many years.  Now is the time for them to be unwrapped and shared with the world.  I have taken off the pretty bow and ripped off the colorful paper and beneath it all is ME!!!!
As I continue to fill my soul with love, my mind with words and my being with light.  I will continue to share the words from above for us all to live a wonderful life!